Uniform Guidelines on Employee Selection Procedures
Procedural document designed to assist employers in complying with federal regulations prohibiting discrimination.
As related to international labor relations, a practice in which employees have a role in the management of a company that includes worker representatives with voting rights on the corporate board of directors.
Out-of-pocket maximum
Stated amount out of pocket the insured can pay for medical costs in a 12-month period before copayments end.
Factors that initiate, direct, and sustain human behavior over time.
HR audit
Process to measure the effectiveness and efficiency of HR programs and positions.
Halo effect
Type of interviewer bias in which interviewer allows one strong point in candidate's favor to overshadow all other information.
Local nationals
Employees a United States company hires abroad for jobs in their own country.
Repeat violation
Violation of an OSHA standard that is a repeat of a violation found under a previous inspection.
Bargaining unit
Group of employees a union wants to represent.
Dual-ladder programs
Career development programs that identify meaningful career paths for professional and technical people whose preferences may be outside traditional management roles.
Pareto chart
Vertical bar graph on which bar height reflects frequency or impact of causes.
Golden handcuffs
System of overlapping short- and long-term incentives to make it less likely that key employees will leave a company.
Workforce analysis
List of job titles ranked from lowest- to highest-paid within an organizational unit.
Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA)
Act that regulates employee overtime status, overtime pay, child labor, minimum wage, record keeping, and other administrative concerns.
Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA)
Act that prohibits discrimination against a qualified individual with a disability because of the disability of such individual.
Green Cycle Rates
Situation where an employee's pay is below the minimum of the range.
Utilization review
Audit of health-care use and charges to identify which benefits are used and to make certain that care is necessary and costs are in line.
Foreign Corrupt Practices Act (FCPA)
Prohibits American companies from making corrupt payments to foreign officials for the purpose of obtaining or keeping business.
Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA)
Act that provides employees with up to 12 weeks of unpaid leave to care for family members or because of a serious health condition of the employee.
Amount of owners' or shareholders' portion of a business.
Weighted average
Average of data that takes other factors such as the number of incumbents into account.
Human capital
Combined knowledge, skills, and experience of a company's employees.
Balanced scorecard
Measurement approach that provides an overall picture of an organization's performance as measured against goals in finance, customers, internal business processes, and learning and growth.
Protected class
People who are covered under a federal or state discrimination law; groups protected by EEO designations include women, African-Americans, Hispanics, Native Americans, Asian-Americans, people age 40 or older, the disabled, veterans, and religious groups.
Flexible spending account (FSA)
Type of Section 125 plan that allows employees to use pretax dollars to pay for out-of-pocket health and dependent-care expenses.
Human resource management (HRM)
Design of formal systems in an organization that ensure the effective and efficient use of human talent to accomplish organizational goals.
Affirmative action (AA)
Practice in which employers identify conspicuous imbalances in their workforce and take positive steps to correct underrepresentation of protected classes.
School Board of Nassau v. Arline
Supreme Court ruling that persons with contagious diseases could be covered by the Rehabilitation Act of 1973.
Performance management
Process of maintaining or improving employee job performance through the use of performance assessment tools, coaching, and counseling as well as providing continuous feedback.
Ellerth v. Burlington Northern Industries
Court ruling that distinguished between supervisor harassment that results in tangible employment action and supervisor harassment that does not.
Placement goals
Objectives or targets in an affirmative action plan that are set when the percentage of minorities or women in a job group is less than reasonably expected given their availability.
Yellow-dog contracts
Contracts that force employees to agree not to join a union or participate in any union activity as a condition of employment.
Service Contract Act
Act that extended prevailing wage rate and benefit requirements to employers providing services under federal government contracts.
United Steelworkers v. Weber
Court ruling dealing with reverse discrimination charges; upheld that Title VII allows for voluntary, private, race-conscious programs aimed at eliminating racial imbalance in traditionally segregated job categories.
Common situs picketing
Situation in which lawful picketing of a primary employer also affects a secondary employer that occupies common premises; employers may establish separate or reserved gates, one for the struck employer and the other for all other employers.
Value that occurs most frequently in a set of data.
403(b) plans
Plans that allow employees of certain tax-exempt organizations to contribute pretax dollars toward retirement savings.
Involuntary deductions
Payroll deductions such as tax levies and court-ordered child support that an employee must pay.
Building-related illness (BRI)
Situation in which building occupants experience acute health and comfort effects that can be attributed directly to airborne building contaminants.
Exempt employees
Employees who are excluded from FLSA overtime pay requirements.
Fixed hiring and promotion rates based on race, gender, or other protected-class standards that must be met.
Civil Service Reform Act
Act that extended collective bargaining rights to federal employees.
Method of nonbinding dispute resolution involving a third party who tries to help disputing parties reach a mutually agreeable decision; also known as mediation.
Organizational exit
Process of managing the way people leave an organization.
Incident without adequate controls applied.
Job specification
Spells out qualifications necessary for an incumbent to be able to perform a job.
Zipper clause
Contract stipulation in which both parties waive the right to demand bargaining on any matter not dealt with in the contract, whether or not that matter was contemplated when the contract was negotiated or signed.
Illegal subjects
Those collective bargaining items that are unlawful by statute; also known as external subjects.
Johnson v. Santa Clara County Transportation Agency
Court ruling that endorsed using gender as one factor in an employment decision if underrepresentation is shown and if the affirmative action plan is not a quota system.
Directive interview
Type of interview in which interviewer poses specific questions to a candidate and keeps control.
Consumer picketing
Product boycotts involving such activities as distributing handbills, carrying placards, and urging customers to refuse to purchase products from a particular retail or wholesale business.
Job enrichment
Increases the depth of a job by adding responsibility for planning, organizing, controlling, and evaluation.
OSHA's Form 300A
Summary of Work-Related Injuries and Illnesses; shows the totals of work-related injuries and illnesses for the year in each category.
OSHA's Form 300A
Summary of Work-Related Injuries and Illnesses; shows the totals of work-related injuries and illnesses for the year in each category.
Sutton v. United Airlines
Case in which Supreme Court ruled that a person may not have a disability if the individual's condition is controlled or corrected by medication or mitigating measures.
Merit pay
Situation where an individual's performance is the basis for either the amount or timing of pay increases; also called performance-based pay.
Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA)
Act that made changes to improve health-care coverage portability and accessibility and provide medical record privacy and security.
Process-flow analysis
Diagram of the steps involved in a process.
Needs assessment
Process by which an organization's needs are identified in order to help the organization accomplish its objectives; also called needs analysis.
Closed shop
Clause that states that union membership is a condition of hiring; is illegal (except in the construction industry).
Matrix structure
Organizational structure that combines departmentalization by division and function to gain the benefits of both.
Delphi technique
Forecasting technique that progressively collects information from a group without physically assembling the contributors.
Trend and ratio analyses
Use of statistics to determine whether relationships exist between two variables.
Yield ratios
Ratios that can help quantify recruitment efforts.
Rehabilitation Act
Act that prohibits discrimination based on physical or mental disabilities.
Standard deviation
Measure that indicates how much scores in a set of data are spread out around a mean or average.
Unemployment insurance
Mandatory benefit program set up as part of the Social Security Act designed to provide employees with some income when they lose their jobs through no fault of their own.
Sexual harassment
Unwelcome sexual advances, requests for sexual favors, and other verbal or physical conduct of a sexual nature.
Confined Space Entry standard
OSHA standard that requires space-entry restrictions, rescue procedures, and a written safe-entry program to address concerns over adequate oxygen content in the air, toxic substance exposure, and physical exposures for workers in confined spaces.
To an operations department, the ability to yield output.
Strategic management
Processes and activities used to formulate HR objectives, practices, and policies.
Theory of constraints (TOC)
Systems management philosophy that states that every organization is hindered by constraints that come from its internal policies.
Copyright Act
Act that defines the right or privilege of an author or proprietor to exclude others from printing or otherwise duplicating, distributing, or vending copies of his or her literary, artistic, and other creative expressions.
Closed questions
Questions that can usually be answered with yes or no.
Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964
Act that prohibits discrimination or segregation based on race, color, national origin, religion, and gender in all terms and conditions of employment.
Gives its owner the right to exclude others from making, using, or selling anything that embodies or uses an invention.
Fraudulent misrepresentation
Intentional deception relied upon and resulting in injury to another person.
Revenue Act
Act that added Sections 125 and 401(k) to the Tax Code.
Virtual organization
Short-term alliance between independent organizations in a potentially long-term relationship to design, produce, and distribute a product.
Individual, usually a primary-care physician, who is given control of patient access to specialists and services in a managed care organization.
Construct validity
Extent to which a selection device measures the theoretical construct or trait (e.g., intelligence or mechanical comprehension).
Red-circle rates
Describe situations where employees' pay is above the range maximum.
Preferred provider organizations (PPOs)
Formed by an insurance company, an employer, or a group of employers who negotiate discounted fees with networks of health-care providers; in return, the employers guarantee a certain volume of patients.