Moduel 2 questions

  1. What are the three things x-rsay photons udnergo when striking a patient?
    • - Transmission 
    • - Absorption 
    • - Scatter
  2. What is a photoelectric absorption interaction?
    When incident x-ray photon itneracts iwth an inner shell ele tron of an atom.

    • The x-ray photon knocks an innershell electron out of orbit causing that atom to ionize. The atom then has a positive charge ecause it lost an eletron.
    • Once the electron from the innershell is knocked out of robit, the outer shell eelctron falls down to take its place.
  3. What is compton scatter?
    Occurs when incoming radiation fron an x-ray tube, or incident radiation, interacts with an outershell of an atom and knocks it out of orbit.

    Incoming x-ray beam continues on its way but doesnt lost all of its energy. Isntead, it becomes the a scattered x-ray photon and continues on in a different direction with a lower amount of energy.
  4. True or False:
    A compton Scatter interaction takes palce between an x-ray and and outershell electron?

    Whne an x-ray photon knocks an inenrshell out of orbit, photoelectric absorption would occur. Not scatter.
  5. True or False:
    Pleural effusion is considered a destructive pathology.

    Pleural effusion occurs when fluid fills the pleural cavity where the lungs sit. Therefore this is an addtiive pathologic condition.
  6. True or False:
    Fat and muscle tissues are both significant sources of image noise.

    Fat and muscle tissue both produce scatter radiation when struck by the primary beam.
  7. True or False:
    A high signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) is required to produce quality image.
    • True.
    • A high SNR means that more of the x-ray beam reaches the image receptro compared to the undesirable scatter radiation.
  8. True or False:
    Using collimation reduces the amoutn fo noise reaching the image receptor but increases patient does.
    • False
    • Beam restriction decreaes nosie to the image receptor NAD lowers the patient dose by reducing the amoutn of tissue exposed to the radiographic beam.
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Moduel 2 questions