Survey of Management

  1. Personality

    • Enduring, way a person feels, thinks, behaves
    • Nature: Stable over time
    • Nurture: Influenced by genetics and environment
  2. Personality

    Impact of Organizational Situation
    Your performance & how much your personality impacts your performance, depends on your work setting
  3. Attraction-Selection-Attrition
    • People with similar personalities attracted to an organization (attraction) - People apply to an organization
    • Organization tend to hire people with similar personalities (Selection)
    • People with different personalities leave (Attrition)
  4. Personality

    Big Five
    Openness, Conscientiousness, Extraversion, Agreeableness, Neuroticism (OCEAN)
  5. Other Relevant Personality Characteristics

    Self Monitoring
    Extent people try to control the way they present themselves to others
  6. Other Relevant Personality Characteristics

    Locus of Control
    • Internal: believe their actions and behaviors have an impact on what happens to them
    • External: believe that outside forces are responsible for their fate; don't see connection b/w what they do and what happens to them
  7. Other Relevant Personality Characteristics

    People who have pride in their capabilities. People with high self esteem choose more challenging goals and careers. Also have higher motivation and job satisfaction
  8. Personality

    Type A
    Driven, competitive, impatient, hostile, work best alone, difficult to work with, like short-term projects.
  9. Personality

    Type B
    Relaxed, easy-going
  10. McClelland's Needs

    Need for Achievement
    People with a high need for achievement compete with themselves. Improving their performance is satisfying. Real satisfaction the get is achievement itself, measured against themselves. Place lower value on money
  11. McClelland's Needs

    Need for Affiliation
    Need to interact in a positive way with other people
  12. McClelland's Needs

    Need for Power
    Need to have influence over other people and to be able to do things that may not want to or ordinarily do. i.e., CEO
  13. Emotional Intelligence
    • Ability to understand & manage one's own emotions
    • Ability to understand others' emotions
    • Ability to use that understanding to effectively communicate w/& influence others
  14. Limitations of personality test
    • People present selves in positive light
    • Variability in people who score similarly
    • Are traits related to specific job?
  15. Abilities: What a person is capable of doing
    • Cognitive: refers to general intelligence. i.e., IQ Score
    • Physical: refers to motor skill (how well you can manipulate things) & how strong you are
    • Emotional intelligence
  16. 3 Ways of Managing Ability

    Selecting people w/the abilities & personality characteristics that you have demonstrated or know are needed tow work in a particular position within an organization
  17. 3 Ways of Managing Ability

    Looking at people & their skills & placing them in the best postion
  18. 3 Ways of Managing Ability

    Training them to do their job
Card Set
Survey of Management
Personality & Individual Differences