Vital Signs

  1. How effective is vital-sign monitoring in detecting potential health complications and in ensuring patient safety?
  2. When a patient’s condition is deteriorating, how can nurses communicate assessment and vital-sign information effectively?
  3. What is the recommended length of time patients should stand during blood-pressure measurement to detect orthostatic hypotension?
  4. How does the rate of blood-pressure cuff deflation affect blood-pressure readings?
  5. How should blood-pressure measurement be adapted for patients who are obese?
  6. What are the implications for differences in how healthcare workers measure blood pressure?
  7. How does arm position influence blood-pressure measurements?
  8. Can the “white-coat effect” be minimized to achieve more accurate blood-pressure readings for patients seen in health clinics?
  9. Are there effective interventions for promoting blood-pressure control in patients experiencing developmental-stage changes and differences in lifestyle practices?
  10. Are nurses or electronic monitors more accurate in measuring respiratory rates?
  11. Is there a new clinical measurement that could be included with vital-sign measurement during nonsurgical procedures?
  12. Are there new developments in techniques or equipment for measuring oxygen saturation?
  13. What evidence exists to support the best treatment of fever in pediatric patients?
  14. What are the effective assessment strategies and interventions for patients experiencing pain?
  15. How effective is the use of music in decreasing pain?
  16. How do the attitudes of healthcare staff influence pain management?
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Vital Signs
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