Poetry Vocab

  1. Is the repetition of sounds at the end of words. Poets use _____ to lend a song-like quality to their verses and to emphasize certain words and ideas. Many traditional poems contain end rhymes, or rhyming words at the end of lines. Another common device is the use of internal rhymes or rhyming words within lines.
  2. Is a regularly repeated line or group of lines in a poem or song.
  3. Is the patter of beats, or stresses in spoken or written language.
  4. Is a group of lines in a poem considered as a unit. Many poems are divided into _____ that are separated by spaces. ____ often function like paragraphs in prose. Each ____ states and develops a single main idea. ______ are commonly named according to the number of lines found in them, as follows: a couplet has a two-line _____, a tercet has a three-line _____, a quatrain has a four-line ______, and so on.
  5. Is a word or phrase that appeals to one or more of the five sense. Writers use _____ to describe how their subjects look, sound, feel, taste, and smell.
  6. Is a figure of speech in which something is described as though it were something else. A _____, like a simile, works by pointing out a similarly by two unlike things.
  7. Is a figure of speech that makes a direct comparison using either "like" or "as". Everyday speech often contains ______ such as "dry as toast", "fought like a tiger", "ran like the wind".
  8. Is a type of figurative language in which a nonhuman subject, is given human characteristics.
  9. Is an overstatement or an exaggeration.
  10. Is the use of words that imitate sounds. Crash, hiss, neigh, jingle, and cluck are examples of onomatopoeia.
  11. Is a single line of poetry. It may be a complete sentence, but most of the time it is only part of a sentence. The word _____ also refers to poetry in general.
  12. Is a central message, concern, or concern in a literary work.
  13. Is the imaginary voice assumed by the writer of a poem. In other words, the ______ is the character who tells the poem. This character, or voice, often is not identified by name.
  14. Is a regular pattern of rhyming words in a poem. To indicate the ______ of a poem, one uses lowercase letters. Each rhyme is assigned a different letter.
    Rhyme Scheme
  15. Is anything that stands for or represents something else.
  16. Is the use, more than once, of any element of language- a sound, word, phrase, clause, or sentence. _____ is used in both prose and poetry. In prose, a situation may be repeated with some variations. Poets make use of many variety's of ______. Rhyme, alliteration, and rhythm are all repetitions of sounds or sound patterns. A refrain is a repeated line.
  17. The seclusive lines of verse, usually rhymed and of the same meter.
  18. Is a highly musical verse that expresses the observations and feelings of a single person.
    lyric poem
  19. Is the repetition of initial consonant sounds. Writers use ______ to create musical effects and to draw attention to certain words or ideas.
  20. Is a type of poetry. In a poem written in ______, the poet is free to write lines of any length or with any number of strong stresses or beats.
    Free verse
  21. Is a story told in verse. ______ often have all of the elements of short stories, including characters, setting, conflict, and plot.
    Narrative poem
  22. Is the ordinary form of written language.
  23. The ______ of a poem is its rhythmical pattern. This pattern is determined by the number and types of stresses, or beats, in each line.
  24. ______ is a three-line Japanese verse form. The first and third lines of a ______ have five syllables. The second lines has seven syllables. A writer of a _____ uses images to create a single, vivid picture, generally of a scene from nature.
  25. Is a humorous, rhyming, five-line poem with a specific meter and rhyme scheme. Most _____ have three strong stresses in lines 1, 2, and 5, and two strong stresses in lines 3 and 4. Most follow the rhyme scheme, aabba.
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Poetry Vocab
Poetry for test.