lab test

  1. a good graph contains 
    a data table and a graph with a horizontal and vertical axis
  2. Date table contains
    all data WITH units
  3. horizontal axis
    • _____
    • what you can control
    • 2.numbers
    • 3.units
    • 4.liner numbers
    • 5.tic tacs
  4. vertical axis
    • results (height)
    • 2.numbers
    • 3.units
    • 4.liner numbers
    • 5.tic tacs
  5. Length
    • km
    • m
    • cm
    • mm
    • um
  6. km
    here to walmart
  7. m
    length of a leg
  8. cm
    thickness of a CD case
  9. mm
    thikness of a credit card
  10. um
    how high the ink rises off paper
  11. mass
    • kg
    • g
    • mg
    • ug
  12. kg
    weight of a cantalope
  13. g
    weight of paper clip
  14. mg
    weight of an eyelash
  15. ug
    weight of the dot on the i
  16. volume
    • l
    • ml
  17. L
    space in a 1-L soda bottle
  18. mL
    size two tic tac space fills
  19. Coversion table
  20. where to start on conversion table
    last number given in the statement
  21. power switch
  22. light dimmer
    controls intensity
  23. light source
    iluminates sample
  24. stage
    where you place the slide
  25. slide clop
    holds the slide in place
  26. slide mover
    knob that moves the slide aroud
  27. objective lenses
    • 4x red
    • 10x yellow
    • 40x blue
  28. coarse focus knob
    • moves stage far and close
    • fat and in back
  29. fine focus knob
    • moves state far and close
    • skinny and in front
  30. condenser/control knob
    focuses light on the slide / right side
  31. iris diaphragm
    blocks some light- twist
  32. method to putting microscope away
    • light dimmer: lowest setting
    • slide mover: all the way in
    • objective lens: 4x
    • condenser: raised
    • coarse focus knob: stage all the way down
    • power switch: off
    • cord: bunched and put below the eyepiece.
  33. abbriviated structure
    • add O-H bond
    • Draw all C
    • Add H
  34. Carbon
    4 bonds
  35. Nitrogen
    3 bonds
  36. Oxygen
    2 bonds
  37. Hydrogen
    one bond
  38. gradulated cyclinender
    read the L at the bottom of the bubble
  39. pipettor
    dial pitettor 1cm
  40. amino group
  41. Carboxyl group
  42. 1% NaCl blood sample
    • circular cell
    • isotonic and
    • blood cell is 1% NaCl
    • FINE
  43. 10% NaCl
    • shrivelled cell
    • hypertonic so the water flowed OUT
  44. 0% NaCl
    • osmosis lysis: cell blew up
    • too much water flow IN the cell
    • no cells will be found
Card Set
lab test
first lab test