oedipus the king.txt

  1. According to the "majic #7, plus or minus 2" theory, what 2 systems is the brain organized into?
    • 1. rational
    • 2. emotional
    • theres a constant competition between these two systems
    • ex: rational >> chocolate cake isnt good for me
    • emotional>> mmmm yummy cake!
    • many times, the emotional part of our brain takes over and distracts us from being rational, without even realizing it.
  2. define Fate:
    fate is the predestined path for life that an individual has little to no control over.

    • the overall concept of fate, is that there is an important force that creates, shapes, guiedes, rewards, and aflicts human life.
    • (a force that is out of human control)

    the outcomes are determined by non-human sources
  3. What is Jocasta's role in "oedipus the king"?
    to reassure Oedipus that he has nothing to worry about. She tries to comfort him by telling him that many men before him have had dreams of "sharing their bed with their mothers". She says, "what should a man fear? its all chance, chance rules our lives...Better to live at random the best we can"
  4. what do the three crossroads symbolize in "oedipus the king"?
    they define fate
  5. What is the main theme in "Oedipus the King"?
    • that no one can escape from fate. Whether you take one path or the other, the ending will all be the same. (hence, the term, "pre-determined path" for life)
    • AND
    • the use of prophecies in order to predict the fate of ones life
  6. Compare Jocasta and Gilgamesh
    Both characters are arrogant - thinking they can escape from their fate/destiny

    • both characters are guided in life by death and mortality
  7. how does free-will fit into a life governed by "fatalistic" views or "fate"?
    free will allows people to be different from one another

    free will allows each person to confront their fate differently/however they wish

    although fate may control the circumstances and events in a person's life, the individual has the freedom to accept/reject the fate for their life

    the quality of one's life depends on the hero's attitude towards the fate/destiny rather than his or her ability to control it
  8. According to the story, "oedipus the king" is "free-will" REALLY free?
    no. Oedipus tried to run away (his freedom to reject, rather than accept, what he heard his fate would be in life). In the end, even using his free-will view for life did not work. He still ended up killing his father and sleeping with his mother.
  9. what trait of Oedipus ultimately lead him to his death/suffering?
    his pride lead to destruction
  10. What are some common "Genres" in Drama?
    tragedy >> something destructive happens (according to Aristotle, trajedy "shows" rather than "tells" a story/circumstance/lesson)

    tragedies ultimately lead to the ruin of the protagonist

    Short-lived difficulties>> protagonist can overcome these types of difficulties

    happy-endings>> usually also include a bit of comedy and tragedy
  11. Why do we enjoy plays/dramas about suffering
    • because we can relate to them
    • they make us feel better about our own lives - makes our problems seem less important/smaller
    • they are emotionally purifying
  12. Compare Gilgamesh and Oedipus
    • Similarities>> both are very influential on peoples lives, stubborn, "go'getters" and strong
    • Differences> At the end of both these stories involving the characters Gilgamesh and Oedipus, the ending signifies whether the "hero's" were successful at reaching their goals, by indicating the gain/lack of understanding of themselves or the world in which they live. Gilgamesh learned to appreciate his life here on earth rather than focus on fleeing from death. On the other hand, Oedipus allowed his fear of a fatalistic outcome of death govern his life, and take over any happiness he ever had. This negative attitude lead to his death. Gilgamesh accepts advice from people he meets on his journey to immortality, and when he hears from his female tempress that life is something to be treasured, he takes her advice and switches his way of thinking. However, Oedipus takes advice/knowledge from others differently. Oedipus, being arrogant and prideful, rejects any knowledge and understanding others offer him (such as Tiresias the blind prophet).
  13. explain the irony with the character "Jocasta" being the character who most people dont like:
    she was actually the only character that fulfilled Sophocoles remedy to a fatalistic governed life>> she had the outlook on life that Sophocoles suggested to all of those worried about fate governing their outcomes (which was, to live life and dont try to control your fate)
  14. how did Sophocoles use the symbolism of "blindness" in the story, "Oedipus the King"?
    wanted to tell readers that there are 2 areas of "blindness" : physical and/or intellectual
  15. unifying themes in Gilgamesh, Genesis, Sonnys Blues,
    - all characters in these mythic stories deal with a tragedy ( usually involving death). The way they choose to respond to the fate prophesied to them for their lives determines their outcome in life. (this is where there are character differences) >> some characters will yield and follow the path of fate, and others will try to control it.>>controlling it ultimately leads to destruction!!
    • Tragedy to bring about realization/rejection
    • ex: death of enkidu>> tragedy that guides Gilgamesh to ultimately appreciate life and his mortal attributes (positive outcome because Gilgamesh was accepting of a lesson to be learned)
    • ex: abraham called to kill his one and only son>> tragedy that ended positively, because he was willing to allow fate/God to govern his decisions/actions to be taken
    • ex: death of both Jocasta and Oedipus>> a tragedy that ended negatively, due to the character's persistence in trying to control their lives/fate
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oedipus the king.txt
oedipus the king flashcards