1. Accounts payable
    Describe what is important to an organization, dictate employee behavior, and create the organization’s culture.
  2. Accounts receivable
    Ability of an instrument to measure what it is intended to measure.
  3. Amendment
    Modification of the Constitution or a law; may be either formal (written) or informal (unwritten).
  4. Action plans
    Detailed steps a unit, department, or team will take in order to achieve short-term objectives.
  5. Job competencies
    Knowledge, skills, and abilities (KSAs) and other personal characteristics that work together to produce outstanding performance in a given area of responsibility.
  6. Principled negotiation
    Type of contract negotiation based on four premises: 1) separate the people from the problem, 2) focus on interests, not positions, 3) invent options for mutual gain, and 4) insist on objective criteria
  7. Negligent retention
    Retention of employees who engage in misconduct both during and after working hours.
  8. Performance-sharing plans
    Organization-wide incentive plans in which funds are made available for incentive awards based on predetermined criteria and standards.
  9. Organizational display
    Part of an affirmative action plan that provides a graphical presentation of the organizational units, including their interrelationships.
Card Set
Flash Cards for the HRCI Certification