ch 13

  1. what are the major types of blood vessels
    • aorta- biggest-no exchange-function is to transport blood
    • artery- no exchange- function is to transport blood
    • arteriols-noexchange-function is to transport blood
    • capillaries
    • venules
    • veins
    • vena cava
  2. where do all the exchange happen in the vascular system
    in the capillaries
  3. what are the 3 layers of of the arteriestunic
    • tunica intima (interna)
    • tunica media (middle)
    • tunica externa (outer layer)
  4. this is the innermost layer
    contacts blood
    surrounds lumen
    made of one layer simple squamous(flat) epithelium (thinnest type of tissue)
    attach to basement membrane
  5. space inside blood vessels where blood flows in
  6. what does SLUDD mean
    • salivation
    • lacremation
    • urination
    • digestion
    • defecation
    • (parasympathetic)
  7. This is the thickest layer made of smooth muscles- controls the diameter of carter blood vessels- contacts in response to strech
    vasoconstriction-constricts blood vessels
    has elastic connective tissue and have nerve supplies supply to it.
    tunica media (middle)
  8. this is the outer layer made of protein fibrous connective tissue. mostly collagen and elastic tissue. very thick helps keep blood vessel from rupturing
    tunica externa (outer)
  9. these are small arteries
    vasoconstriction/vasodilation to control blood flow to tissues
  10. carry blood from the heart to capillaries
  11. smaller arteries
  12. simple squamous epithelium
  13. stimulates contraction of this smooth muscle
    peptide endothelin
  14. carry blood from capillaries back to the heart
  15. smaller veins
  16. is a connection, or joining, of vessel, that is artery to artery or vein to vein. The general pupose of these connections is to provide alternate pathways for the flow of blood if one vessel becomes obstructed
  17. what helps ensure that blood will be albe to return to the heart in order to be pumped again
    venous anastomosis
  18. what are most numerous among the veins of the legs, where the possibilyt of obstuction increases as a person gets older
    venous anastomses
  19. carries blood from arterioles to venules. wall is one cell thick. are actually the extension of the endothelium.
  20. When blood flow into capillary networks is regulated by smooth muscle cells called
    precapillary sphincters
  21. another type of capillary that are larger and more permeable than are other capillaries. allows large substances such as proteins and blood cells to enter or leave blood
  22. the movement of gas from an area of greater concentration to an area of lesser concentration is called
  23. Because the capillary blood pressure is higher, what process occurs that forces plasma and dissovled utients out of the capillaries and into tissue fluid
    the process of filtration
  24. Albumin contributes to this attracting pressure a pulling rather than a pushing pressure is called
    colloid osmotic pressure (COP)
  25. what are the two major pathways of circulation
    • pulmonary circulation begins at the right ventricle
    • systemic circulation begins at the left ventricle
  26. this is a subdivision of systemic circulation in which blood from the abdominal digestive organs and speen circulates through the liver before returning to the heart.
    Hepatic portal circulation
  27. these are branches of the fetal internal iliac arteries that carry blood form the fetus to the placenta
    umbilical arteries
  28. this carries oxygenated blood from the placenta to the fetus
    umbilical vein
  29. within the body of the fetus, the umbilical vein branches: one branch takes some blood to the fetal liver, but most of the blood passes through...what to the inferior vena cava
    ductus venosus
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ch 13
ch 13