
  1. Cambrian Explosion
    • appearance and/or diversification of almost every major group of animals
  2. Cambrian: Marine animals/plants
    • invertebrates -- arthropods
    • vertebrates – earliest fossil record

    High diversity in algae
  3. Selurian-Devonian
    • adaptive radiation of fish - dominant life form
    • arthropods (insects, millipedes)
    • spore-bearing plants
  4. Devonian Period 400 mya
    • 1st amphibians
    • spore-bearing vascular plants
    • seed ferns dominate
  5. Carboniferous- 350 mya
    • Laurasia-
    • radiation of arthropods & amphibians
    • 1st reptiles appear
    • swampy, tropical seed fern forests
    • 1st gymnosperms
  6. Permian/Triassic Period 250 mya
    • radiation of reptiles
    • 1st dinosaurs

    • very early mammals
    • (laid eggs)
    • monotremes only direct descendant of this early line
  7. Late Jurassic-140 mya
    • reptiles dominate ("the Age of the Dinosaurs”)
    • early birds
    • gymnosperms dominate
    • 1st flowering plants (angiosperm)
  8. 100 mya Cretecious
    • angiosperms
    • -- rapid adaptive radiation & dispersal
    • insect adaptive radiation (co-evolution)
    • gymnosperm decline in dominance
  9. 65 mya -- K-T extinction
    • evidence of asteroid impact
    • mass extinctions
  10. 40 Mya- Tertiary
    • adaptive radiation of mammals & birds
    • the "Age of Mammals"
    • tropical forests
    • grasslands -- grazing mammals
    • (co-evolution)
  11. 3 mya - Panama isthmus rises
  12. quaternary period 2 mya
    • "megafauna”
    • humans evolve

    • tree species richness declines
    • herbaceous species dominate angiosperms
  13. Evolutionary trend in which un-related species develop similar physiological traits & morphologies in response to similar enivronmental conditions
    • divergent evolution
    • sympatric speciation
    • natural selection
    • convergent evolution
    • adaptive radiation
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NRES Final