History Test 1 Early Native Americans and European Exploration

  1. Sought the mythical "Found of Youth" in Forida in 1513
    Juan Ponce de Leon
  2. Naval captain, 1577 he circumnavigated the globe
    Sir Francis Drake
  3. Professinal soldier in Spain, conquered the Aztecs
    Hernan Cortes
  4. Sailed along the coasts of what are now Newfoundland, Novia Scotia, and New England. Claimed these lands for England.
    John Cabot
  5. Sent by French king to explore Alantic coast
    Giovanni de Verranzo
  6. Sent by the Dutch to look for a North-west passage. he found the hudson river, and it gave Dutch the claim to present day Newyork.
    Henry Hudson
  7. Spanish Conquerers
  8. Europeans did not deliberatley come to Africa to enslave Africans. It arose in response to the demand of cheap labor. Portugese would treat Africans well at first, but then use them as slaves
    Atlantic Slave Trade
  9. "Mother" culture of Mesoamerica. their culture later influenced other people. 1st to develop a writing system. 1200 BC.
  10. Priests studied the stars and made calendars. They made a writing system and number system that used the concept of zero. 400 BC.
  11. Had the largest empire, rose to power in the Andes mountains of South America.
  12. believed in many gods. (polythesism) priests would leave offerings of food, flowers, and even human hearts. Human scarafice made people not like the empire rulers.
    Aztec Beliefs
  13. during the ice age hunters crossed a landbridge from siberia to North America. This was Native American Migration. What was the bridge called?
  14. People who move to place to place
  15. Diverse ________ of N. America influenced the Native American Cultures across the continent.
  16. Prince Henry's school developed the caravel. It used sails so you could sail against the wind. They also created the magnetic compass, and the astrolobe.
    Sailing Technology
  17. This was determined by inheritance, status, and marriage eligibility. Housing arrangments and social engagements depended on the position of women.
  18. Led to an exchange of ideas between cultures that were thousands of miles distant. 
    Native American Trade Networks
  19. Farming, (corn, beans, squash, cotton in river and creek bottoms in the desert) they made pottery and baskets...were the accomplishments of who?
    Pueblo people
  20. Muslims kept their lands but the wars allowed Europeans to experience new lands. Feud based on religion. Holy wards. Ended in 1291. Gave a boost to trade between Europe and the Middle East. Merchants made lots of money.
  21. Rebirth. 1300's. Led to the study of navigation and sailing. a new era of learning began in the wealthy city states of italy.
  22. 1271, set out for China. Was there for 17 years. Worked for Kublai Khan. Return of the trip went through Souteat Asia and India. He wrote a book and influenced later explorers
    Marco Polo
  23. He found the sea route to India. The new trade route helped Portugal become a world power. 1498
    Vasco de Gama
  24. He wanted to find a southwest route to Asia
  25. Interaction between Europeans and Native Americans, exchange of plants, animals, language and techonology. Diseases were also spread. 
    Columbian Exchange
  26. -Last major mound builders
    -Most advanced farming society in North America
    Mississippian Culture
  27. Trees were considered the center of earth. Bears were thought to be spiritual. When they'd kill them they'd eat their livers raw because they thought they'd get some spiritual essence from it. Who's belief's were these?
    Native American Beliefs
  28. They explored the west coat of Africa looking for a searoute to India
  29. 1. Why was the deafeat of the Spanish Armada a turning point in history?
    The religious issue between Catholic Spain and Protestant England was a turning point because it opened to Atlantic Ocean and North America to English colonizing expeditions. 
  30. 2.
    -Native Americans began farming
    -Farming led them to live in villages instead of moving from place to place
    Agricultrual Revolution
  31. 3. Columbus' attitudes towards the Native Americans?
    He said they were very nice and because of tha the said they'd be easily conquered.
  32. Positive and Negative Effects of Columbus' Voyage?
    • The cornw put on his head made him think that there were riches there
    • The Spanish Conquest Began
    • The people of spain all killed themselves
  33. Where did Columbus think he landed?
    East Indies
  34. Positive and Negative effects of the Columbian Exchange?
    Positives-Food, various cultures came into contact, and metal and resources made European nations wealthy

    Negatives- Encomienda system, population growth, deadly diseases
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History Test 1 Early Native Americans and European Exploration