SS Manifest destiny test

  1. Mexican Cession

    Got it from the Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo and was important because of Manifest destiny
  2. Gadsdsen purchase

    Purchased for 10 million and was important because it completed the railroad
  3. Texas annexation

    annexed by US and was important to avoid conflicts with england and mexico
  4. Oregon country

    got from a treaaty with england and was important for manifest destiny
    • Louisiana Purchase
    • purchased for 15 million was important for the port of new orleans and doubled the country's size
    • Original US
    • got from the revolutionary war/ treaty of paris because they wanted independence
    • OREGON trail
    • led settlers to OREGON
  5. Santa fe trail

    Led settlers to SANTA FE new mexico
  6. Florida
  7. ceded for 5 million completes alantic seaboard
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SS Manifest destiny test