Chapter 2 Test

  1. Variations in ways of life within a society are called ____.

    A. Subcultures
  2. The components of culture do not include ___.

    D. theories
  3. A religous object from an ancient culture is an examples of a(n) ___.

    C. artifact
  4. Shared ideas about what is true are ___.

    A. Beliefs
  5. _____ remains the fundamental social unit(s).

    A. The Family
  6. Ethnocentrism is best described as ___.

    B. juding other cultures on terms of one's own culture
  7. The principal agent of socialization into society is one's ___.

    D. Family
  8. A ___ is a society that sees itself as one people with a common culture, history, institutions, ideology, language, and territory.

    B. nation
  9. Which of the following is not a principal objective criterion of social class?

    A. Religon
  10. Today, most Americans label themselves as ___ class?

    C. Middle
  11. ___ is the key component of stratification.

    D. income
  12. The increase in income inequality may be attributed to all of the following except ___.

    A. demographics trends that include fewer older workers
  13. In the United States there has generally been more ____

    C. upward mobility
  14. When the population is broken up into four categories, which is the largest?

    B. working class
  15. The fact that in a democracy the upper social classes tend to hold politcal office means___.

    A. that the masses are not necessarily oppressed, exploited or powerless
  16. The most common path to social mobility is ___.

    B. Education
  17. Which of the following might be an arguement made by a sociologist who subscribes to the functional theory of social stratification?

    C. Certain positions are more important to a society's survival than other positions and require special skills.
  18. Newborns possess all skills but which of the following instinctual responses.

    C. Thinking
  19. The ___ is the single most important influence in anyone's early enviroment.

    D. mother
  20. The code of instructions to cells determining their structure, appearance and function is known as ___.

    D. DNA
  21. The ___ studies how people learn about themselves and their enviroment.

    A. Cognitive neuroscience
  22. The development of individual identity through interpersonal experiences and the internalizing of the expectations of significant others best describes ___.

    A. Socialization
  23. The strength of stimulus-and-response linkage depends on all of the following except ___.

    A. convience of response
  24. All of the following are causes of personality disorder except ___.

    D. negative interpersonal responses
  25. Pavlov's experiments established the notion of ___.

    A. Stimuli
  26. ___ focuses on the treatment of psychological disorder.

    A. Clinical Psychology
  27. According to humanistic psychologists, which lwads the lists of the hierarchy of needs.

    D. self-actualization
  28. In the Unites States, economic decisions are largely made by ___.

    B. voters
  29. Which of the following is true about th GNP in the United States since 1960?

    D. It has grown in both current and constant dollars
  30. During a recession the government should ___.

    D. pour money into the economy
  31. Fiscal policy in the Unites States is largely controlled by ___.

    A. The Federal Reserve Board
  32. Monetary policy in the United States is largely controlled by ___.

    A. The Federal Reserve Board
  33. "Burdening future generations" is an expression about ___.

    B. the national debt and interest payments
  34. Country with the larget debt is ___.

    D. The Unites States
  35. Each of the following except ___ represents a type of market.

    D. Government
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Chapter 2 Test
SOSC 2501 ch.2