Amer gov Key Terms Constitution and federalism

  1. Majority rule
    A fundamental democratic principle requiring that the majority's view be respected. Nonetheless, the constitution originally contained a number of provision designed to limit majority rule, including the electoral college, life tenure for Supreme Court Justices, and the selection of senators by state legislators.
  2. Checks and Balances
    System in which each branch of government can limit the power of the other two branches. For example, the senate has the power to approve or reject presidential appointments to the Supreme court.
  3. Unitary System
    system of government in which all power is invested in a central government.
  4. Federalism
    A system of government in which power is divided by a written constitution between a central government and regional governments. As a result, two or more levels of government have formal authority over the same geographic area and people.
  5. Expressed powers
    powers specifically granted to the federal government by the Constitution. For example, the constitution gives congress the power to coin money, impose taxes, and regulate interstate commerce. Expressed powers are also called enumerated powers.
  6. enumerated powers.
    powers specifically granted to the federal government by the Constitution. For example, the constitution gives congress the power to coin money, impose taxes, and regulate interstate commerce. Expressed powers are also called expressed powers. 
  7. Implied powers
    Powers of the federal government that go beyond those enumerated in the constitution. Implied powers are derived from the elastic or necessary and proper clause.
  8. Reserved powers
    powers not specificall granted to the national government or denied to the states. Reserved powers are held by the states through the Tenth Amendment.
  9. Cooperative federalism
    Situations in which the national and state governments work together to complete projects. Also called Fiscal Federalism.
  10. Fiscal Federalism
    Situations in which the national and state governments work together to complete projects. Also called Cooperative federalism
  11. categorical Grant
    Funds provided for a specific and clearly defined purpose.
  12. Block Grant
    Funds granted to the states for a broadly defined purpose. Because block grants shift resources from the federal government to the states, they contribute to the growing number of state and local government employees.
  13. mandates
    Ruless telling states what tey must do to comply with federal guidelines. unfuned mandates require state and local governments to provide services or comply with regulations without the provision of funds.
  14. devolution
    A mvement to transfer the responsibilities of governing from the federal government to state and local governments. 
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Amer gov Key Terms Constitution and federalism
key terms Constitution and federalism