portion sizes

  1. A teaspoon looks like

    A.  The size of an adult (pointer) fingertip
  2. One Tablespoon looks like:

    B.     The size of an adult thumb or a tube of lipstick
  3. ¼ cup looks like:

    D. one large egg
  4. ½  cup looks like:

    D. one handful
  5. 1 cup looks like:

    D. one tennis ball
  6. One ounce of chicken, poultry, or meat looks like:

    A. the size of a matchbook
  7. A one ounce meatball looks like:

    A. a tennis ball
    B. A marble
    C. A golf ball
    D.  A pool ball
  8. Two tablespoons of Peanut Butter looks like:

    B. A golf ball
  9. Three
    oz of cooked fish, poultry, or meat looks like:

    A. All of these choices
  10. One small baked potato looks like:

    B. the size of a computer mouse
  11. One ounce of cheese looks like:

    A. The size of an adult (pointer) fingertip
    B. The size of an adult thumb or a tube of lipstick
    C. The size of a golfball
    D. The size of a ping pong ball
     B. The size of an adult thumb or a tube of lipstick
  12. Two ounces of cheese looks like:

    B. A pair of dominos
  13. One medium Bagel looks like

    D. a Hockey Puck
  14. One Medium Piece of fruit looks like a:

    C. Baseball
  15. A serving of coffee is:

    D. One measuring Cup
Card Set
portion sizes
Portion Size Quiz