If the sputum collected from a patient with pneumonia is absent of organisms after a gram stain, then this suggests a pneumonia caused by what pathogens? (think: L.a.M.M.P)
Legionella pneumophila
a virus
Mycoplasma pneumoniae
Mycobacterium tuberculosis
_____ (3 words) with a _____ (2 words) is a helpful clinical pattern when trying to diagnose pneumonia.
foul smelling sputum with a rusty color
What are some useful "special" stains to use when sampling the sputum of a pneumonia patient?
acid-fast bacteria (for TB)
Giemsa, GMS or Toluidine blue (for PCP)
True or false. A bronchoscopy is not a very effective diagnostic tool for pneumonia.
True (may introduce oral flora into the bronchi or lungs)
What are the 2 benefits of taking a blood sample to diagnose a pneumonia patient?
proves etiology
provides susceptibility of organism
True or false. A chest X-ray can be used as a diagnostic tool in terms of the etiology of infection in a pneumonia patient.
False, a chest X-ray cannot be used as a diagnostic tool in terms of the etiology of infection in a pneumonia patient.
What are the 2 most "classic" clinical symptoms seen in patients with community-acquired pneumonia (CAP)?
productive cough
True or false. Neutropenia is a poor prognostic sign if seen in a community-acquired pneumonia (CAP) patient.
What organism is the most common cause for community-acquired pneumonia in the elderly or in someone who has been infected with influenza recently?
C. Staphylococcus aureus
If a patient is suffering from aspiration pneumonia, is it necessary to perform a sputum culture?
No, because the sputum may be contaminated with mixed anaerobes and epithelial cells of the oral cavity and give a false positive.
True or false. Gram negative organisms, like K. pneumoniae, E. coli, and P. mirabilis, are not typically seen as causative agents in community-acquired pneumonia.
What are the 6 most common viruses that cause community-acquired pneumonia? (think: I.V. C.R.A.P.)
How is "atypical pneumonia" best identified?
absence of organisms on gram stain
What are the 2 main pathogens involved in "atypical pneumonia"?
Mycoplasma pneumoniae
Chlamydia pneumoniae
What are the risk factors for aspiration pneumonia?
having a disease state with altered consciousness
abnormal gag reflex and swallowing
may lead to lung abscess
antianaerobic treatment
What are the 2 most important factors involved in the acquisition of nosocomial pneumonia?
prior antibiotic use
lack of hand washing
What 3 vaccines can help to prevent pneumonia? (think: H.I.P.)