8 for final history 1301

  1. Compromise of 1850
    • WHO:Henry Clay
    • When: 1850
    • Whats: stepped foward with another compromise. 5 part bill that caused this
    • Sig:Ends of 1820
    • 1) cali is a free state
    • 2) New Mexico, Utah are divided from land by Mexico
    • 3) slave actions would be banned in WAshington
  2. Emancipation Proclamation
    • when: On Sept 22, 1862 madepreliminary Emancipation Proclamation
    • What: declared that all slaves within rebel territory would be freed on Jan 1, 1863 unless the souther states returned to the Union.
    • Who: Lincoln
    • sig:a factor in the end of slavey, but not the factor. The Proclamation emboldened slaves to increase their resistance, and it offered hope that the Union won the war slavery would be outlawed.
  3. Manifest Destiny
    • what: The United States was fated to possess North America from the Atlantic to the Pacific. John wrote in US magazine and Democratic Review urging Whigs and Democrats to join together in support of the right of our manifest destiny to overspread and to possess the whole of the continent
    • who: coined by New York Journalist John O' Sullivan
    • when: July 1845
    • sig:the concept grew in popularity throughout the 1840s justifying much westward expansion.
  4. Mexican American War
    • WHat: October 1845 and Nov 1845 were Polks first two attempts until April 25, 146 he got his fight by ordering Taylor to move men between the Nueces and Rio GRande to provoke the Mexica soliders.
    • sig: Treaty of Guadalupe HIdaglo which officially ended the Mexican war.
    • when : 1846 to 1848
    • gen winifield scott occupied mexico city sept 14 1847
  5. minstrel shows
    • American entertainment consisting of comic skits, variety acts, dancing, and music, performed by white people in blackface or, especially after the Civil War, black people in blackface. Blackface branched off from the minstrel show.
    • -In 1848, blackface minstrel shows were the national art of the time,
    • -It survived as professional entertainment until about 1910;
    • The typical minstrel performance followed a three-act structure. The
    • troupe first danced onto stage then exchanged wisecracks and sang
    • songs. The second part featured a variety of entertainments, including
    • the pun-filled stump speech. The final act consisted of a slapstick musical plantation skit or a send-up of a popular play. Minstrel songs and sketches featured several stock characters, most popularly the slave and the dandy. These were further divided into sub-archetypes such as the mammy, her counterpart the old darky, the provocative mulatto
    • wench, and the black soldier. Minstrels claimed that their songs and
    • dances were authentically black, although the extent of the black
    • influence remains debated. Spirituals (known as jubilees) entered the repertoire in the 1870s, marking the first undeniably black music to be used in minstrelsy.
  6. nativism
    • what: political idenity that defined an American as someone with an English background who was born in the United States; supporters formulated a racial and thenic identity that proclaimed the superirority of their group, usually labeled Native Americans
    • when : 1850s
  7. Second Great Awakening
    • what: Protestant religious revivial that began in the West but shortly moved to the Northeast and the South.
    • when: 1830s
    • -central theological idea behing it was than individuals souls could be saved through human agaency and his or her acceptance of responsibility for a sinful nature.
    • who: charles g finney converted souls
  8. trail of tears
    • what: forced removal of Cherokee nation from Georgia to Oklahoma in 1838; the CHerokees were forced to walk more than a thousand miles.
    • who: in 1838 general winfield scott invaded the cherokees
    • sig: led to semiole revolt
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8 for final history 1301
8 for final history 1301