geography processing techniques

  1. Classifying, tabulating, matrixing examples
    • * Compare imports / exports
    • * Changes in crops grown over time
  2. Drawing graphs (bar, line, pie, scatter)example
    • * Types of exports
    • * Temperature
    • * Land use in a town
    • * Relationship between services and settlement size
  3. Drawing maps examples
    • * Land use in the CBD of a city
    • * Sphere of influence
    • * Land use on a farm
    • * Traffic / pedestrian flows
  4. Drawing cross-sections / transects examples
    • * Across a river valley
    • * Relationship between land-use and soil type
  5. Annoting maps, graphs and field sketches examples
    • * River meanders
    • * Corrie
    • * Industrial landscape
    • * Farming landscape
  6. Classifying, tabulating, matrixing reason
    • * Of organising and presenting data / information
    • * Easier to make sense of information arranged in tables
    • * Can be studied or compared to show trends
    • * Matrixing is a good way of storing information to show possible relationships
  7. * Bar graphs
    • o Used to compare information
    • o Can be used with maps to combine information with location
    • o Can be used to show +/- values
  8. * Divided bar graphs
    o Show relative importance of different parts
  9. * Line graphs
    • o Show a trend or change over time
    • o Show amount or rate of change, steepness and degree of change
  10. * Pie chart
    • o Shows how the amounts are shared out
    • o The relative importance of parts / sectors
    • o Can be put on a map to aid comparison between places
  11. * Scatter graph
    o Way of testing connections between two sets of data e.g. relationship between GNP and Infant Mortality
  12. Drawing maps reason
    • * Means of showing links between features
    • * Selective way of showing information
    • * Way of showing information to show and reveal patterns e.g. land use in a city. Location and distribution of shopping centres
  13. Drawing cross-sections / transects reason
    • * Vertical representation of the contours on a map
    • * Height and shape is shown, and the position of key features
    • * Allows comparison of data e.g. building use and land values from CBD to city edge
  14. Annoting maps, graphs and field sketches reason
    • * Provide a sample of an area to bring out key features
    • * Enhances information
    • * Can be used to name and identify features
    • * Draw attention to relationships, patterns
Card Set
geography processing techniques
geography processing techniques