gathering techniques geography

  1. Extracting information from maps (and other sources
    • * Maps are a good store of information
    • * Information on location links and features can be taken from maps
    • * Information on a map can be related to land use and slope / soil
    • * Maps from different times can be used to compare changes
  2. Field sketching
    • * Is more selective that a photograph
    • * Can be used to highlight the important / relevant information
    • * Can be used to compare with photo or map from the past
  3. Measuring (rivers, weather)
    • * Provides original data to be processed
    • * Source of precise / accurate information
    • * Comparing the water flow / speed across river
    • * Measure weather elements over time to show changes
  4. Recording observed information on a map (land use, location distribution)
    • * Is a good way of storing observed information to be processed later
    • * Land use, location, distribution, can be stored and be compared for relationships
  5. Observing and recording (traffic and pedestrian flows, environmental quality, weather)
    • * Used to gather information at source
    • * Making notes in a field notebook
    • * Traffic and pedestrian flows on a grid sheet
    • * Entering weather data onto a data base
    • * Taking photos / video to show environmental quality
    • * Information can be processed, analysed, compared
  6. Compiling and using questionnaires and interviews
    • * Used to collect original information directly from people
    • * Up to date and accurate source of facts and opinions
    • * Means of collecting information about the past
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gathering techniques geography
gathering techniques