Rad Physics 1

  1. What is the primary distinquishing charateristic of matter?
    It has mass.
  2. How is mass measured?
    In kilograms(kg).
  3. Define matter.
    • Anything that occupies space and has mass
  4. Define Energy
    The ability to do work.
  5. The tranfer of energy is ________.
  6. The removal of an electron from an atom is called _____.
  7. X-rays, gamma rays, and ultraviolet light are forms of
    electromagnet radiation.
  8. The largest source of enviornmenal radiation.
  9. What percentage of our annual radiattion dose is due to medical imaging?
  10. What was the name of the partially evacuated  glass tube that Roentgen was experimentig with when he discovered x-rays
    Crookes tube
  11. The fluorescent material used to coat the xray plate discovered accidently by Roentgen
    barium platinocyanide
  12. a roentgen(R) is called a __________ in SI units
    and it measures_______.
    air kerma  (Gya), exposure


  13. a rad is called a ____________
    in SI units and measures_________.
    gray(Gyt), absorbed dose

    rad stands for: radiation absorbed dose
  14. A curie(Ci) is called a ______ in SI  units and measures
    becquerel, radioactivity
  15. A rem is called a ________ in SI units and measures
    sievert, effective dose

    (often used for occupational radiation monitoring)
  16. What is a derived quantity?
    • In physics there are three base quantities: mass, length, and time which are the building blocks of all other quantities. The derived quantities are a combination of one or more of the three base quantities.
    • Examples: length cubed=volume, length/time =velocity
  17. What does rem stand for?
    • radiation equivalent man
    • measures effective dose
    • SI unit:Sievert(Sv)
    • (some places I've seen Roentgen Equivalent Man)
  18. ___________ is the kinetic energy of molecules.
  19. _________is the rate of doing work.
  20. Work /time  or the rate of doing work is __________.

    (the rate of doing work)
  21. The unit of work
  22. the SI unit for Power
    joule/second   J/s
  23. _____________is the kinetic energy transferred from photons to electron during ionization and excitation.
    Air Kerma(Kinetic energy released in mattter) Gya
  24. _______is the quantity of matter as described by it's energy equivalence.
  25. Energy is measured in
    joules (j)
  26. Energy emitted and transferred through space is called
  27. Natural enviornmental radiation results in an annual dose of approximately___________.
    3 mSv
  28. Of the three principle radiation controls:
    time, distance, and shielding, which is most important?
  29. Radiation exposure is measured in
    Special units:_____________  and
    SI units_____________________.
    C/kg(coulumb/kg), Air kerma(Gya)

    • (old unit the roentgen(R) )
  30. Radiation dose is measured in
    Special units:_______________and
    SI units_____________________.
    J/kg,  Gray(Gyt)

    • (old unit rad)
  31. Effective dose is masured in
    Special units:________________and
    SI units_____________________.
    J/kg,    Sieverts(Sv)

    (old unit rem)
  32. The mass of an object times it's velocity is it's
    • momentum
    • p=mv
  33. Resistance to change in motion is_______________.
  34. ____________is the ability to do work.
  35. The force required to change the state  of motion of an object is ______ proportional to the product of the _____
    and the ____________.
    • directly, mass, acceleration
    • F = ma.
  36. For every action there is an _______and_________
    • equal,opposite
    • Example:if we step off a boat onto the bank of a lake: as we move in the direction of the shore, the boat tends to move in the opposite direction (leaving us facedown in the water, if we aren't careful!).
  37. Image Upload 2
    Which Newton's law does this illustrate?
    • Newton's 2nd law
    • the law of force
  38. Image Upload 4Which Newton law does this illustrate?
    • Newton's 1st law
    • The law of inertia
  39. what is constant and is symbolized by C:C=3x10^8 m/s?
    Velocity of light
  40. a weight lifted through a height is _______.
    WORK    SI unit is joules(J)

    W=fd    force is expressed in Newtons and distance in Meters
  41. joule per second
  42. The equation for power is___________and the SI unit
    P=fd/t         which is the same as work divided by time

    force(newtons) times distance(meters) =work(joules) divided by time in seconds

    SI unit: J/s
  43. Image Upload 6Describe three kinds of heat transfer illlustrated in this picture.
    Image Upload 8
  44. What does ALARA  stand for?
    Image Upload 10
  45. Particulate and electromagnetic radiation emitted by the sun and stars are called _______.
    cosmic rays
  46. The ejected electron and the resultant positively charged atom is called the _______.
    ion pair
  47. What are the three components of natural environmental
    • Cosmic rays
    • terrestrial radiation 
    • internally deposited radionucli
  48. terrestrial radiation
    results from deposits of uranium, thorium, and other radionuclides in the Earth
  49. unit that applies only to x-rays and gamma rays and their interactions with air
  50. A major source of radon is________.
  51. fast-moving particles capable of ionization
    alpha and beta particles
Card Set
Rad Physics 1
Rad Physics Chapter 1