What is the importance of spectral matching in selection of screen film combinations?
Rare earth screens; it must match
Amber filter
Blue sensitive film
Red filter
Green and blue
Proper film storage
- Temp 20 degree Celsius 68F
- Humidity >60%
- Shelf life - cool dry place
Other name for fixer
Principal of development
Convert latent image to manifest
Why does film go through fixer tank?
Washes off the unaffected silver halide
Brown film
Fixer retention
Physical qualities required for to be used as a intensifying screen base?
Polyester plastic
Typical radiograph intensifying screen
Base,reflective layer,phosphor,base,contact felt, low z front , low z back
Radiographic film contributes to latent image?
Fewer than 1%
Why are two screens placed in a radiographic cassette ?
Reduce patient dose
Name 5 phosphors
Barium flurochloride, barium sulfate,zinc sulfide, calcium tungstate, lanthanum
Quantum mottle
Radiographic noise produce by the random interaction of x ray with intensifying screen
Four exposure technique factor; how does each affect OD
- Kvp - number of X-rays in image forms beam
- mA - number of X-rays produced radiation quantity
- Exposure time (s) minimize motion blur the can occur during patent motion.
- SID - determines the intensity of X-ray beam at IR
Components of total X-ray beam filtration
Inherent,compensating, added filtration
Why is it important to keep exposure time as short as possible
Dosage minimize patient motion blur
Large focal spot
Sufficient mAs used to image thick or dense body parts, shorter exposure time. More X-rays at anode
Small focal
Electron interaction over smaller area of anode; finer detail
- Black OD 3 or greater
- Clear is less than 0.2
- Light OD of 2
- Useful range 2?
High OD
Over exposure too dark
Change in OD req what technique
- Fix distance
- MAs used to control OD change in 30% mAs is used to produce a visible image
Body habitus
Thicker body = more strength
Advantage of large focal spot over small
Large - more X-rays
Difference in OD between adjacent anatomical structures or the variations in OD on a radiograph
High contrast
Bones spinal column
Low contrast
Psoas muscle, kidney
Radiographic film cross section
Super coat, emulsion, adhesive, base, adhesive, emulsion, supercoat
90 second processor
Developer fixer washing drying
Process whereby latent image is created in one crystal of the film emulsion
The exposed crystal , electron collected at sensitivity center. These elections concert silver jobs to atomic silver
Gloves goggles
Toxic skin burns eye irritations
Proper dark room procedure
Color watt distance from film
Reg screen film
Double emulsion
Single screen single side emulsion
Electromagnetic radiation that has neither mass nor electric charge but interacts with matter as though it's a particle
Alpha particle
Particulate from of ionizing radiation that consists of two photon an two neutron.
Helium emitted from nucleus of radioactive atom
Fundamental particles within an atom
Electron proton neutron
Property of an atom does biding energy describe
Electron closer to nucleus Stronger binding
Can atoms be ionized by Changing number of positive charges ?
No, bound strongly together and that action would change type of atom
How are ion pairs formed?
Opposite charged particle come together
Why doesn't an electron spontaneously fly away from nucleus atom ?
Tightly bonded strength = certain amount of energy to release
- Electron cloud
- Produced outside nucleus of excited atoms
Gamma ray
Produced inside the nucleus of radioactive atoms
Alpha particles , beta particles
- Nucleus
- Particulate radiation
Ability to do work
Derived quantity
Secondary quantities combination one or more of the three base quantities
Volume density velocity
Ionizing radiation
Any electromagnetic that had sufficient energy to remove an electron from an atom
Air kerma
- 1/1000 of a rad
- 100 ergs of energy absorbed per gram of tissue
Average level of natural enviromental radiation
300mrad yr
The Coolidge tube
First heated filament X-ray tube
Real time x ray
Rate of change over time
Barium platinocyanide
Phosphor fluorescent material
Roentgen discovers X-rays
Roentgen Noble prize
Coolidge hot cathode x eh tube
Weight different from mass
- Weight is determined by gravity
- Mass is constant
For examples of electromagnetic radiation
X rays gamma rays visible light radio waves microwaves infrared radiation ultra violet radiation
X-rays vs electromagnetic radiation
X-rays interact at electron level or nuclear level
Electromagnetic interact molecules cells
Purpose of X-ray filtration
Lower patient radiation dose
Formation of negative ion and positive ion
X-rays electron absorbs energy and is release from atom + - ion pair
Spatial resolution
Ability to image small objects that have high subject contrast
Spectral matching
Rare earth screens only in conjunction with film emulsion that have lift absorption match light emission of screen
Active layer of the radiographic intensifying screen closest to radiographic film
Emission of visible light
Measure of the maximum electrical potential
Product of exposure time and x ray tube current. Measure total number of electron
Beam penetrability
Ability of an X-ray beam to penetrate tissue
Distance from X-ray tube to IR
Inherent filtration
Filtration of useful X-ray beams provided by the permanently installed components of an film emulsion
X-ray tube housing assembly an glass must match light emission
Liquid in to which various solids and powers can be dissolved
Sensitive center
Physical imperfections on the lattice of emulsion layer that occur during the filming manufacturing process.
Latent image
Unobservable image stored in the silver halide
Silver halide
Active ingredient of radiographic emulsions
Spectral matching
Use of rare earth screens only in conjunction with film emulsions that have light absorption characteristics matched the light emissions of the screen
Unintended optical density on a radiograph or another film type of IR
Radiation fog
Artifact caused by unintended exposure to radiation
Shelf life
How long before it expires
Referring to blue it green sensitive films
Screen speed
Relative number used to identify the efficiency of conversion of X-rays in to usable light
Archival quality
Image does not deteriorate with age but remains in original state
90 sec processor
- Developing 22sec
- Fixer 22
- Washing 20
- Drying 26
High contrast
Smaller crystals uniform grain size
Low contrast
Larger crystals wider range sizes
Direct exposure film
- Thicker emulsion an more crystals
- Not sensitive to light
- Increased dose
- Very detailed
Screen construction
- Polyester plastic base - support layer
- Phosphor layer - active layer
- Reflective layer - increase screen efficiency
- Protective coating
X-rays emit ^ equal intensity in all directions
X-rays emitted through window or port
Useful or primary beam
X-ray tube made of
Pyrex glass or metal enclosure to withstand high heat load and minimize X-ray absorption
Cathode two parts
Filament focusing cup
Outer shell electrons boiled off
Thermionic emission
Anode +
Conducts electricity radiates heat contains target
Two types stationery and rotating
Anode heat
- 99% kinetic energy to hear
- 1% converted to X-rays
Anode heel affect
The smaller the anode angle the larger the heel affect