
  1. Infancy: birth to 24 months: also called
    • Neonate: 0-30days
    • Toddler: walking to talking
  2. Physical reflexes and states: INFANTS
    eye bling, sucking rooting
  3. other Reflexes:
    • Babinski: open toes
    • moro: sudden loss of support grabing
    • palmar: touch palm hand closes
    • swimming reflex:
    • stepping reflex:
    • Tonic neck reflex:
  4. adaptation of reflexes:
    they will not last forever just have them through infancy then fad away unil voluntary
  5. Sleep pattern
    babys spend most time in rem sleep
  6. Brazelton:
    Neonatal behavior assessment scale
  7. Baby are good at what conditioning?
    Classical bc uses unvoluntary responses.  Not good at operant bc uses volunary responces and babys do not have many volunaray responces
  8. Imitation:
    Hand movement, Facial expressions.  stop after a couple weeks then come back as volunatary responces
  9. Store information model
    Sensory (take it in) either falls out or goes on to short term memory, then if looked at and practiced with stores into longterm
  10. Habitation/Dishabituation:
    Habitation, taking it in as first responce, Dishabitaton happens when one has seen it before, moves on in a way way, or show some sort of remember or understanding
  11. Growth:
    Cephalocaudal: Head to tail. lower part of body grows later than head

    Proximodistal: "Near to Far" extremities grow later than head, chest and trunk
  12. Fine motor:
    Grasping, prereaching (newborn, swipping), visually guided reaching(4ish months), ulnar grasp (fingers clasp someing in palm 5ish months) pincer grasp (pinching 9ish months).
  13. Binocular depth cues
    each eye sees one object differently
  14. Binocular disparity:
    depth cue based on the difference between the retinal images recieved by each eye.
  15. Monocular depth cues
    see distance
  16. Kinetic depth cues:
    how fast something passes you how far away you are from it.
  17. independent motion/depth perseption
    visual cliff
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child and ad 4