Anatomy Week 1

  1. superior
    towards the head
  2. inferior
    towards the feet
  3. anterior
    towards the front of the body
  4. posterior
    towards the back of the body
  5. medial
    towards the midline of the body
  6. lateral
    away from the midline of the body
  7. proximal
    towards the trunk
  8. distal
    away from the trunk
  9. dorsal
    towards the back
  10. ventral
    towards the front
  11. superficial
    more external
  12. deep
    more internal
  13. frontal plane
    cuts body into front & back (anterior and posterior)
  14. median plane
    cuts at the midline into right and left sides
  15. transverse plane
    horizontal cut at the belly
  16. The dorsal body cavity includes which 2 cavities?
    cranial & spinal
  17. The ventral body cavity includes which 2 cavities?
    thoracic & abdomino-pelvic
  18. In the abdomino-pelvic region, the top center region is called...
    the epigastric region.
  19. In the abdomino-pelvic region, the most-middle region is called...
    the umbilical region.
  20. In the abdomino-pelvic region, the bottom middle region is called...
    the hypogastric region.
  21. In the abdomino-pelvic region, the top right and left sections are called...
    the hypochondriac regions.
  22. In the abdomino-pelvic region, the middle left and right regions are called...
    the lumbar regions.
  23. In the abdomino-pelvic region, the bottom right and left regions are called...
    the iliac regions.
  24. Ribosomes
    • composed of RNA and protein
    • sites of protein synthesis
    • can be free-floating or attached to the rough ER
  25. Rough Endoplasmic Reticulum (2 major points)
    • studded with ribosomes
    • area for storage and transport of the proteins made on the ribosomes
    • the external face synthesizes phospholipids and cholesterol
  26. Smooth Endoplasmic Reticulum (3 points)
    • site of steroid and lipid synthesis
    • lipid metabolism
    • drug detoxification
  27. Golgi Apparatus
    • packages proteins to be exported
    • packages phospholipids to be incorporated into the plasma membrane
    • packages lysozymes for intracellular use
  28. Peroxisomes
    contain oxidase enzymes that detoxify alcohol, hydrogen peroxide, and other harmful chemicals
  29. Mitochondria
    • inner membrane has folds known as cristae
    • produce ATP
  30. Centrioles
    • paired, cylindrical shapes that lie perpendicular to each other.
    • direct the formation of the mitotic spindle during cell division
  31. Interphase
    the cell carries out its normal metabolic activities
  32. Prophase
    • the spindle forms
    • each chromosome will duplicate, held together at the centromere
  33. Metaphase
    • the chromosomes will line up at the equator of the spindle
    • this imaginary line is called the metaphase plate
  34. Anaphase
    • the chromosomes will split from each other
    • the microtubules will pull the chromosomes to their respective sides
  35. Telophase
    • new nuclear envelope develops around the chromatin
    • the spindle breaks down and disappears
    • chromosomes resume their chromatin form
    • does not include the division of the plasma membrane, which happens inĀ cytokinesis
Card Set
Anatomy Week 1
Body Planes, Histology, Cell Organelles