Marine Bio: Plate Tectonics

  1. what's convergent?
    -> <-
  2. what's divergent?
    <- ->
  3. what's transform?
    • ->
    • <-
  4. what is 1 fathom?
    6 ft increments
  5. what's echo sounding?
    a meathod of measuring seafloor depth using sound pulses
  6. what's bathymetry
    measuring the deep
  7. what were the three advancements of measuring the sea floor?
    • 1. leadline
    • 2. single beam
    • 3. multi 
  8. what's a continental shelf
    shallow extension of the landmass. mostly flat
  9. what's a continental slope?
    steep slope beyond the continental shelf that transitions to deep ocean floor
  10. what's a continental rise?
    gentle slope often made by accumulated  sediments
  11. what are submarine canyons?
    • found on continental slopes. 
    • narrow v shaped canyons with steep slopes.
    • usually formed with river systems that cut intot he shelf (erosion)
  12. what's an abyssal plain?
    section of ocean basin floor that are FLAT

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  13. when do abyssal plaines normally form?
    after continental rise
  14. what are abyssal hills?
    small hills less than 1000 m high.
  15. how are seamounts formed?
    by volcanoes
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  17. description of inner core?
    • -solid, very dense b/c od high amounts of pressure
    • -rich in Fe, Ni. Magnetized and very hot
    • -12000* farenheit
  18. outer core descriptions
    • liquid layer
    • rich in fe and ni
  19. mantle
    • largest, thickest layer of the earth
    • composed of magnesium, iron
    • solid yet mobile
    • hot and deformable
  20. crust description
    • solid layer of rock
    • way colder than interior layers
  21. what are the 2 types of crusts?
    oceanic, continental
  22. oceanic crust is made of
  23. continental is made of
  24. convection currents
    currents that carry continental and oceanic plates
Card Set
Marine Bio: Plate Tectonics
Marine Bio: Plate Tectonics