final reveiw emt-p

  1. Signs and symptoms of a gallbladder attack.
    Sudden pain in the upper right portion of the abdomen, pain after eating a fatty meal,dull sharp pain, chest pain, heartburn
  2. S/S of an accute appendix.
    pain in the lower right area of the abdomen that gets progresivly sharper and more intense.
  3. What are the stages of infection( in order)?
    • *Latent period
    • *incubation period
    • *communicability period
    • *Disease period
  4. What are the chain of elements in infectious disease?
    • *patheogenic agent
    • *Reservoir
    • *Portal of exit
    • *Transmission
    • *Portal of entry
    • *lost susceptibility
  5. What are the s/s of Adult Respiratory Distress Syndrome?
    Rapid breathing , shortness of breath, low oxygen levels in blood, extreame tiredness
  6. Define internal respirations.
    The transfer of o2 and co2, between the capillary red blood cells and tissues
  7. Define external respirations.
    The transfer of o2 and co2 between the inspired air and pulmonary capillaries
  8. What type of history do you take on a cardiac/ respiratory PT?
    Perdinant medical history
  9. Describe asthema and its treatment.
    Asthema is a respiratory disorder characterized by recurring episodes of paroxysmal dspnea wheezing on expiration caused by constuction of the bronchi.

    treatment- ablbuterol, monitor 4 cardiac rhythm disturbances( CPAP and BiPAP can be helpful)
  10. Name the progessive, irreversable condition charachterized by diminished inspiratory and expiratory capacity of the lungs.
  11. How do you treat COPD?
    Albuterol, epi, administer o2, start IV,apply cardiac monitor, and apply pulse ox
  12. What is the name of the emergency procedure for life support consisting of, artificial repiration, and manual external cardiac massage?
  13. What is the first step of giving CPR?
    • Make sure the airway is open.
    • If not open, clear the airway
  14. How many chest compressions do you do on an infant?How many breaths after compressions?
    5 compressions, 1 breath
  15. After clearing the airway to begin CPR, What do you do next?
    Begin rescue breathing
  16. How many compressions do you do on a adult?
  17. How do you give a infant a chest compression?
    2 fingers only
  18. How many times do you breathe in the adults mouth after you have finished doing chest compressions?
  19. How and where do you give an adult chest compressions?
    Both hands, in beween the nipples on the chest
  20. When giving rescue breathing, what should you make sure you always do?
    • plug pt's nose.
    • listen for breathing
  21. If pt is unresponsive to CPR do you continue administering?
    Yes, it will not hurt the pt at all for you to keep giving CPR, do it as long as you can.
  22. Capnometry is?
    the measurment of carbon dioxide in a volume of gas
  23. What tools are used to measure capnometry?
    end-tidal, pulse ox, and mass spectromety
  24. Acollection of air or gas in the pleural space, that causes the lung to collapse is what?
  25. Lipoprotiens that reduce the surface tension of pulmonary fluids are called?
  26. A simple urologic anatomy consist of?
    2 Kidneys, 2 Uterers, 1 Bladder, 2 Sphincter muscles, nerves in bladder, and urethra
  27. How do you trat a PT with anaphylaxis?
    Place pt in position of comfort, elevate legs until replacement fluids improve blood preassure, administer o2, epinephrine( IV or IM) initiate IV w mormal saline, Transport
  28. S/S of anaphylaxis are?
    horseness, decreased breath sounds, tachycardia, nausea, anxiety, and edema
  29. What type of emergency is Hyperosmolar Hyperglycemic NonKetotic (HHNK) Coma?
    Diabetic emergency
  30. What is the first step in treating a diabetic emergency?
    Initial medical care(IMC)
  31. After the Initial medical care is done what would you do next in a diabetic emergency?
    obtain blood sugar level
  32. Diabetic emergency
    If pt is awake and gag reflux is intact, what is the next thing you do, if unable to start an IV?
    Administer small amounts of sugar solution sublingually
  33. If the Pts blood sugar is <60 or s/s of insulin shock or hypoglycemia present themselves you then?
    • administer 50% DEXTROSE 50ml IV
    • or
    • GLUCAGON 1mg IM
  34. Diabetic Emergency
    After giving dextrose, if there is none or limited response you?
    may repeat DEXTROSE IVP, and transport
  35. If your Diabetic Pt's blood sugar is >180 or has s/s of ketoacidosis, What do you do?
    IV NS- 200ml bolus, transport
  36. Define "synapse"
    functional membrane-to-membrane contact of a nerve cell with another nerve cell, muscle cell, gland cell, or sensory receptor.
  37. A position where comatose pt's upper extremities are rigidly flexed at the elbows and wrists is called?
  38. decerebrate position is where a comatose pt's arms and legs are what?
    • arms- extended and internally rotated
    • legs- are extended with feet in forced plantar flexion
  39. Describe Babinski reflex.
    Reflex movement in which the great toe bends upward when the outer edge if the sole is scratched
  40. Signs of increased ICP
    drowsiness, seperated sutures, bulging of the soft spot and vommiting
  41. Symptoms of increased ICP
    Behavior changes, decreased consiousness, headache, lathargic, nuerological problems, seizures and vomitting
  42. Define Gravida.
    total # of all current and past pregnancies
  43. The number of past pregnancies that have remained viable to delivery are called?
  44. What is an infant in the first 28 days of life called?
  45. Deffinition of newborn.
    first few hours of life
  46. What is the first thing you do for the premature care of and infant w/ mecomnium staining present? if infant is limp.
    clear airway
  47. After clearing the airway of the newborn w/ meconium present you the would?
    clamp and cut the cord
  48. what do you want to avoid while handeling the newborn w meconium present, after cutting the cord?
    manipulation or stimulation
  49. meconium newborn
    if the infant is limp after cutting the cord and avoiding stimulation you then would?
    Give 100% o2 as a blow by to the infants face
  50. After giving the o2 blow by what do you do next to the infant w/ meconium present?
    intubate immidiately
  51. meconium newborn
    You now have the new born intubated, you then?
    attach suction tube to meconium aspirator, leave suction off
  52. After the suction tube id attached to the meconium asspirator, and suction is off you then do what?
    Place meconium aspirator to the end of the ET tube, and turn suction on
  53. After turning suction on to the meconium aspirator you then do what?
    withdraw the ET tube while suctioning
  54. meconium newborn
    After withdrawing the Et tube from the newborn attempt to ventilate with?
  55. If unable to ventilate the newborn w meconium present?
    repeat the process with a new ET tube and meconium aspirator
  56. Define scope of practice.
    the range of duties and skills a paramedic is allowed and expected to preform when needed
  57. Convert pounds to killograms
    2.2lbs. = 1kg.
  58. Deffine h's and t's
    hypothermia, hypovelimia, tension nemo, hypoxemia, pulmonary embolism
  59. definition of transportation
    is the movement of people and goods from one location to another
  60. what is the management and care of a pt or the combating of disease or disorder called?
  61. Deffine Triage
    a method used to sort or catagorize pt's according to severity of injury
  62. How do you begin the premature care of a baby after delivery?
    Quickly dry baby and continue airway support.
  63. Spontaneous respirations should begin within 15 seconds after stimulating reflexes, of the newborn. If not you do what?
    begin ventilations at 40-60 breaths per min. if no pulse<60 begin cpr at 3 to 1, accelerate transport
  64. After the newborns respirations start you then do what?
    take 1 min apgar scores
  65. After you obtain one minute APGAR score, you
    wait for cord pulsations to stop and clamp cord (6-8 in away from babys body) then cut between clamps
  66. You have just cut the infants cord, what would you do next?
    Dry baby, and wrap in blanket
  67. The infant has been dried and wrapped in a blanket, now you?
    place infant on it's side(head lower than trunk) obtain 5 min APGAR score
  68. After taking the 5 min APGAR score what should you do next?
    place id tags on mom and baby, and transport
  69. Define infant
    baby from birth to a year in age
Card Set
final reveiw emt-p
2nd sem final reveiw