8 Parts of Speech

  1. List, define, and write a sentence for a noun.
    • Noun -  A noun is a person, place, thing, or idea.
    • Timmy is at the park with a ball.
  2. List, define, and write a sentence for a pronoun.
    • Pronoun - A pronoun is a word that takes the place of a noun or a group of words acting as a noun.
    • Timmy will go to the store, but he will only buy bread.
  3. List, define, and write a sentence for a verb.
    • Verb - (1)An action verb tells what action someone or something is performing. (2)A linking verb is a verb that connects a subject with a word that describes or identifies it. (3)A helping verb is a verb added before another berb to make a verb phrase.
    • (1)Timmy ran down the street.
    • (2)Timmy was a fast boy until he shattered his knees.
    • (3)Timmy is jumping around the whole town.
  4. List, define, and write a sentence for an Adjective.
    • Adjective - An adjective is a word that describes a noun or pronoun.
    • Timmy's dumpy shoes have holes in them.
  5. List, define, and write a sentence for an Adverb.
    • Adverb - An adverb modifies a verb, an adjective, or another adverb.
    • Timmy never arrived to his job as a runway model.
  6. List, define, and write a sentence for a preposition.
    • Preposition - A preposition relates the noun or pronoun following it to another word in the sentence.
    • The boy, Timmy, got layed out into a bookshelf.
  7. List, define, and write a sentence for a conjunction.
    • Conjunction - Conjunctions can connect words of the same kind, such as two or more nouns or verbs. Conjuctions can be pairs of words that connect similar kinds of words or groups of words. Conjunctions can also connect two ideas.
    • Timmy and his friend Jimmy will either go on a safari, or a whale watch, if the weather is ok.
  8. List, define, and write a sentence for an interjection.
    • Interjection - An interjection expresses feeling or emotion and functions independently from the rest of a sentence.
    • Wow! Timmy was knocked back almost six feet when he got hit by a bus!
Card Set
8 Parts of Speech
8 parts of speech with definitions