302- ABDOMEN Assessment

  1. What are the abdominal Quadrants:
    • Upper Right
    • Upper Left
    • Lower Right
    • Lower Left
  2. Regions of the Abdomen:
  3. Abdominal Health History Assessment includes:
    • o Pain
    • o Allergies (food, lactose)
    • o Appetite
    • o Bowel Patterns
    • o Urinary patterns
    • o Indigestion, N/V
    • o GI Disorders
    • o GU Disorders
    • o Injuries
    • o Surgeries
    • o Alcohol
    • o Medications
    • o Menstrual history, if applicable
  4. Patient Preparation for Physical Abdominal Assessment:
    • Empty bladder
    •   Supine
    •   Warm
    •   Comfortable
  5. Assessment Sequence:
    • 1) Inspect
    • 2) Auscultate
    • 3) Percuss
    • 4) Palpate
  6. Inspection of Abdomen:
    • o Inspect Contour
    • o Assess symmetry, color, peristalsis, pulsations, masses

    Striae = Stretch Marks
  7. Fluid in peritoneal space
  8. To auscultate the abdomen....
    • (First- diaphragm...Then, bell...over Vessels)
    • o Normoactive Bowel Sounds
    • o Hyperactive Bowel Sounds- related to diarrhea
    • or bowel obstruction
    • o Hypoactive Bowel Sounds- related to paralytic ileus
  9. Abdomen Percussion:
    • **Percuss all quadrants
    • o Tympany- over abdomen
    • o Dullness- over liver
    • **CVA tenderness over kidney
  10. Abdomen Palpation:
    • o Use finger pads to lightly palpate
    • o Palpate for resistance, tenderness masses, enlargements
    • ***Palpate areas of tenderness last
  11. Palpation of Liver:
    • Hooking
    • Palpation
  12. Normal Variations:
    • Pregnancy
    • Older Adult-- Hypoactive BS, Palpable liver border
    • Infant -- Palpatable Liver and Spleen (easier)
  13. What do you Document after Abdoment Assessment:
    • Inspect
    • Auscultate
    • Percuss
    • Palpate
Card Set
302- ABDOMEN Assessment
Exam 2