Exam one material

  1. Neurons (excitable cells) => Information transmission
    1) Sensory neurons (AFFERENT): detect stimuli in internal or external environment and sends neuronal information to CNS for processing

    • 2) Integrating interneurons
    • 3) Motor Neurons (EFFERENT): motor neurons connect to skeletal muscle, cardiac muscle, or smooth muscle. Interacts with glands.
  2. Sensory (AFFERENT)
    Detect stimuli or external environment and sends neuronal information to CNS for processing.
  3. Motor Neurons (AFFERENT)
    • Motor neurons connec to skeletal muscle, cardiac muscle, or smooth muscle.
    • Interacts with glands.
  4. Glia cells (non-excitable
    supporting cells in the NS
  5. CNS (central nervous system)
    Brain and spinal cord
  6. PNS (Peripheral Nervous System)
    • All neurons that extend out from the brain and spinal cord.
    • -motor neurons often part of PNS
  7. Excitable cells
    Vary their membrane potential
  8. Other excitable cells:
    • Neurons
    • Muscles
    • Glands
  9. Neurons
    information transmission can vary their membrane potential to perform their physiological function
  10. Functional Polarization:
    • a) input zone
    • b) integrating and trigger zone
    • c) conduction zone
    • d) output zone
  11. Input zone:
    • where the inputs arrive at the neuron and are converted to analog electrical signals (signal transduction)
    • -converting NT release, change in membrane potential
    • -EPSP, IPSP
  12. EPSP
    • Excitatory post synaptic potential
    • (+) depolarized
  13. IPSP
    • Inhibitory post synaptic potential
    • (-) Hyperpolarized
  14. Stimuli
    external Ts odorant stimuli is an example.
  15. Integrating and Trigger Zone:
    • Soma and axon hillock
    • -Converts analog inputs from the input zone into digital signals (AP-action potentials)

    AP> 1m/s or AP< 120 m/s (varies)
  16. Amperes
    units of electrical currrent
  17. resistance
    impediment of current flow (Ohms)
  18. conductance
Card Set
Exam one material
Human Physiology