Exam 1

  1. What is the NBRC and what do they do?
    • National Board of Respiratory Care
    • They focus on the exams to become RTs
  2. what is the AARC and what does it do?
    American Association of Respiratory Care
  3. What are the major components when asking about health history?
    • (OLD CART)
    • Onset (when it first started)
    • Location
    • Duration
    • Character (explain feeling of pain)
    • Associated Manifestations (does something trigger it?)
    • Relieving factors
    • Treatment
  4. What are categories of health history?
    • Occupational/environmental history
    • Geographic history
    • ADL (activities of daily living)
    • Smoking history
    • Family history
    • Medical history
  5. What are the four vital signs?
    • Pulse
    • Respirations
    • Tepmerature
    • Blood Pressure
  6. What are assessment techniques?
    • Inspection
    • Palpation (use hands)
    • Percussion (striking fingertips)
    • Auscultation (listening with stethoscope)
  7. Paradoxial breathing
    • breathing in a see saw pattern
    • (chest and stomach move in oposite direcitions)
  8. What are signs of repsiratory destress?
    • Use of accessory muscles
    • NAsal flaring
    • Purse lipped breathing
    • Retractions
  9. Pectus Excavatum
    Indention of the sternum
  10. Barrel chest
    • CO2 and air trappers (found in COPDers)
    • Chest is increased in diameter
  11. Scoliosis
    Curvature of the spine is an exadurated S
  12. Kyphosis
    Curvature of spine that changes from a vertical S to a horizontal S
  13. Cyanosis
    blue/grey usually found around lips, toes, fingers
  14. Jaundice
    yellowing found in eyes, on skin
  15. Clubbing nails
    nail bed gets bigger, almost squares
  16. Subcutaneous Emphysema
    • Air under the skin
    • Makes a crunching sound when touched
    • Can migrate
  17. Respiratory expansion
    Placing hands on chest/back in specific spot to measure the expansion of the lungs
  18. Tactile fremitus
    a rumbing feeling when touching a patient's chest
  19. Vocal fremitus
    Feeling the chest vibrate when talking
  20. FiO2
    fractionally inspired oxygen
  21. Why is oxygen given to a patient?
    Decrese work of breathing and decrease workload on the heart
  22. what are the color coding meanings?
    • Oxygen- green
    • Air- yellow
    • Helium- brown
    • Helium/Oxide- brown/green
    • Nitrogen- teal
    • Nitric oxide- teal/black
    • Co2- grey
  23. What are tanks made out of?
    Steel, Aluminum or composite
Card Set
Exam 1
history, patient assessment, oxygen,