5 stations

  1. Older female, Eskimo, hyperope, with cortical cataracts and a family hz of narrow angles
    Sx increase in dim light, recent and spontaneous onset of blurry vision, halos, HA, nausea, pain, red eye, photophobia. What is it and how to test for it? What are you looking for
    Acute angle closure glaucoma

    • GAT pressures greater than 40
    • Fixed pupil
    • Angles closed
    • Corneal edema
  2. Person age 18-50
    Associated with respiratory, dermatologic or joint problems
    Experiencing sudden onset of severe pain and photophobia.
    What is it and how would you test for it? What are you looking for?

    - Conical beam on the slit lamp

    • - cells and flare
    • - conjunctival hyperemia
    • - KP
    • - Iris nodules
    • - Miotic pupil
    • - Synechiae
  3. Older female, has ocular HTN and POAG, reports hazy vision that improves later in the day. Decreased VAs secondary to corneal surface changes, subepithelial fibrotic scarring, pain discomfort, fb sensation. What is it and how would you test for it? What would you expect to find?
    Fuch's Dystrophy

    Specular Reflection

    • Endothelial cell drop out and guttata
    • Orance peel or beaten metal appearance.

    Usually bilateral, best seen with retro illumination
  4. Hz of trauma
    Sx: pain, photophobia, lacrimation, FB sensation
    What is it and how would you assess it? What would you expect to find?
    Foreign body

    Lid Eversion

    Foreign body in lid, mild cells and flare, seidel sign, rust ring
  5. I wear CLs, there are deposits on my lenses and I have itchy eyes with moderate blur and burning sensation, There's mucus and I can't wear my contact lenses. What do I have and how would you assess it? What would you expect to find?

    Lid eversion

    • Enlarged upper lid papillae
    • Superior SPK
    • Stringy mucus
  6. I'm between 3-25yo, I have a hx of allergies and hay fever, asthma, eczema, and I live in a warm climate. This happens to me every spring and fall where I have itchiness around the eyes, Fb sensation, Ropy mucous discharge, photophobia, and my lids feel hot. What do I have and how would you assess for it? What are you looking for?

    Lid eversion

    • Cobblestone papillae
    • shield ulcers
    • keratitis of Togby
    • Mucous discharge
    • Trantas dos
    • chemosis
Card Set
5 stations
5 station case review