Fire Alarm Control Panel (FACP)
Sends and receives signals from alram systems and detection devices.
Smoke Damper
Restricst flow of smoke by an air handling system
Smoke Detector
Activates alarm when products of combustion are detected
Supervisory Signal
Indicates a condition in fire protection system that is off-normal.
Trouble Signal
Indicates power failure or system malfunction in fire protection system.
Protected Premises System
Alarm only notifies occupants of the building.
Poice or Fire must be manual notified by occupant.
Non Coded Alarm
Acitivates all alram signalling devices simutaneously.
Zoned Alarm
Notifies responders of a specific "zone" where the fire is located.
Addressable Alarm
Indicates specifically which device was activated.
Supervising Alarm System
Continuously monitored alarm system.
EXAMPLE: An alarm company
Auxillary Alarm
Local energy: Has its own power supply, does not depend on power from municipal fire alarm system.
Shunt-type: Depends on the power supply from municipal fire alarm system.
Proprietary Alarm system
One fixed location monitoring multiple occupancies on the same property.
EXAMPLE: College campus
Central Station System
Fixed location continuously staffed that recieves alram signal and notifies the fire department communication center
Remote Receiving System
Alarm signal is transmitted over a leased telephone line to a 24-hour staffed communications center
Voice Notification System
Verbally alerts the occupant of the problem and verbally tells them what action to take
Two-way Communication System
Telephones mounted in occupancies that allow firefighters to communicate with the incident commander when radio signal is not available.
Usually installed in high rise structures.
Mass Notification System
Notifies all occupants, or community of dangerous situations and provides instructions.
Automatic Alarm-Initiating Device
Continuously monitors the buildings atmosphere for any unsafe levels of heat, gas, smoke, etc.
Fixed temperature Heat Detector
Set to activate when a certain temperature inside a structure is reached.
Usually 135 degrees F.
Fusible Link
Connecting device that melts when introduced to heat.
Frangible Bulb
Small glass bulb filled with a predetermined amount of gas that expands when exposed to heat that breaks and activates alarm.
Bimetalic Detector
Two types of metals with different expansion rates are bonded together, when heat is exposed the strips bend in an arch and complete the activation circuit.
Continuous-Line Detector (single wire)
Designed to lose electrical resistance when exposed to heat, increasing the electrical current and activating the alarm.
Continuous-Line Detector (double wire)
When exposed to heat, wire insulatioin melts and the two wires make contact completing the circuit and activating the alarm.
Rate-of-Rise Heat Detector
Activates when temperatures increase by 12-15 degrees F per minute.
Photoelectric Detector
Beam of light shines through the detectors chamber, when smoke interferes with the light beam the alarm is activated.
Ionization Detector
Two electrically charged plates (+/-) uses radiation to make the air in the chamber conduct electricity.
Smoke blocks ionized particles and reduces electrical current, activating the alarm.
By-Products Released by Fire
- Water Vapor
- Carbon Dioxide
- Carbon Monoxide
- Hydrogen Chloride
- Hydrogen Cyanide
- Hydrogen Fluoride
- Hydrogen Sulfide