federal law test review

  1. opium
    • 2
    • analgesic
  2. Marijuana
    • 1
    • Nauxia, psychoactive, halucinogen
  3. Steroids related to testosterone
    • 3
    • Hypogonadism
  4. Heroin
    • 1
    • analgesic
  5. Hallucinogenic substances-LSD
    • 1
    • psycadelic
  6. Benzodiazepines
    • also list its various names
    • 4
    • Valium (Diazepam), alprazolam (xanax), Bromazepam,  Librium, Clonozepam (Klonopin), Tranxene, ativan (lorazepam)
    • antianxiety, sedative, antisezure, muscle relaxant
  7. Meprobamate
    • 4
    • antianxiety
  8. promethazine with codine
    • 3
    • antinauxia, antitussive, analgesic
  9. Parepectolin
    • 5
    • antidiarrheal
  10. cocaine
    • 2
    • anesthetic, vasoconstrictor
  11. Morphine
    • 2
    • analgesic
  12. oxycodone
    • 2
    • analgesic
  13. amphetamine salts
    • 2
    • stimulant, ADHD, Narcalepsy, decrease appatite
  14. Demerol (Meperidine)
    • 2
    • analgesic
  15. codeine
    • 2
    • analgesic, antitussive
  16. Methylphenidate (ritalin
    • 2
    • ADHD
  17. percocet
    • 2
    • analgesic
  18. Dilaudid
    • 2
    • analgesic (10x more powerful then morphine)
  19. MS contin
    • 2
    • analgesic (morphine sulfate)
  20. Fentanyl (Duragesic)
    • 2
    • analgesic, anistetic
  21. Tylenol with codeine
    • 3
    • analgesic
  22. Vicodin, Norco, Lortab, (tylenol with hydrocodone)
    • 3
    • analgesic
  23. lomotil
    • 5
    • antidiarrheal
  24. long-acting barbituates
    • 4
    • Phenobarbitual, sedative, hypnotic, anticonvulsant, anesthesia, adjunct
  25. Schedule I:
    Drugs in this category have the potential to be highly abused and are not accepted for medical purposes in the United States.
  26. Schedule II:
    Drugs in this category have the potential to be highly abusive and are accepted for medical purposes, and have potentially severe psychological and physiologic dependence.
  27. Schedule III:
    There is less potential for abuse and dependence than Schedule II. Prescriptions may be refilled up to five times within six months of the date that the prescription was first issued.
  28. Schedule IV:
    Schedule IV have less potential for abuse than Schedule III drugs. Rules for dispensing are the same as for Schedule III drugs.
  29. Schedule V:
    In Schedule V there is a low potential for abuse and dependence as compared to Schedule III or IV
  30. Form 222 is used for what?
    To order controlled substances
  31. Prescription drugs are AKA
    Legend drugs
  32. Can schedule 2 drugs be refilled?
  33. What are the rules for refilling schedule 3 medications
    A maximum of 5 refills in 6 months
  34. How to verify a DEA number
    • Add together the first, third and fifth digits:
    • Add together the second, fourth, and sixth digit and multiply this sum by two:
    • Add the result of step one and two together
  35. what are benzodiazepines and how does the generic name for benzodiazemines usually end?
    • class of psychoactive drugs that act as central nervous system depressant
    • pam
  36. what are some side effects of narcotic analgesics? what do whey treat?
    • relief of moderate to severe pain
    • drowsiness, constipation, nausea/vomiting, addiction, tolerance
  37. what is the usual ending of beta blockers? what do they treat? what are the side effects?
    • olol
    • hypertension, heart disease, migrane headaches,
    • side effects: dizziness, fainting, nasal stuffiness, hypotention
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federal law test review