to lower, demean, degrade
to lessen, to reduce in severity
abbriviate (v)
to shorten, reduce
aberration (n)
a deviation from the expected course
to put up with, tolerate
of the most miserable or contemptible kind
to renounce allegiance, to shun, to retract
to give up unfinished
abridge (v)
to shorten, cut down
abrogate (v)
to abolish, often by authority
to sneak away and hide
abundant (adj)
in great numbers
accentuate (v)
to emphasize, to highlight
accommodating (adj)
obliging, helpful
accost (v)
to approach or confront aggressively
acute (adj)
sharp, severe
affable (adj)
friendly, amiable
affluent (adj)
rich, wealthy
aggrandize (v)
to increase or make greater
aggregate (v)
to gather, amass
aghast (adj)
struck by amazement or terror
akimbo (adj)
with hands on hips and elbows extending outward
alacrity (n)
speed, readiness
allay (v)
to sooth, assuage
aloof (adj)
reserved, distant
altercation (n)
an argument, dispute
amalgamation (n)
a union, a merger
ambivalent (adj)
having contradictory feelings
amble (v)
to stroll, walk
ameliorate (v)
to improve, to make better
amend (v)
to change for the better, improve
amiable (adj)
friendly, affable
amorous (adj)
relating to or showing love
amorphous (adj)
without shape or borders
anomaly (n)
something that does not fit into the normal order
aphorism (n)
a short saying
apparitional (adj)
ghostly, spectral
arbitrator (n)
one who settles controversy between two sides
ascetic (n)
one who practices restraint as a means of self-discipline, usually religious
assuage (v)
to ease, pacify
atone (v)
to apologize, make amends
audacious (adj)
excessively bold
augment (v)
to increase or make larger
austere (adj)
very bare, bleak, simple
baleful (adj)
harmful, threatening
bard (n)
a poet, often a singer as well
frequently instigating/stirring-up lawsuits or quarrels
battery (n)
an assault or an array of similar things intended for use together
belligerent (adj)
contentious, ready to fight
benevolent (adj)
kind, good, caring
benign (adj)
non-threatening, innocuous
berate (v)
to scold severely
bereft (adj)
without, devoid of
bide (v)
to wait, or remain in a condition
bilk (v)
to cheat, to swindle
blandish (v)
to coax through flattery
bloated (adj)
swollen, bigger than desired
boisterous (adj)
loud, energetic
bourgeois (adj)
middle class
brash (adj)
hasty or lacking in sensitivity
brazen (adj)
excessively bold, brash
brumal (adj)
wintry, relating to winter
brusque (adj)
short, abrupt, dismissive
buffet (n)
a spread of food involving choices
buffet (v)
to hit or strike
burgeon (v)
to come forth, blossom
cacophony (n)
noise, discordant sound
callous (adj)
harsh, cold, unfeeling
calumny (n)
an attempt to defame anothers reputation
camaraderie (n)
cheerful unity among a group
canvas (n)
a piece of cloth on which an artist paints
capricious (adj)
impulsive, unpredictable, subject to whim
captivate (v)
to hold the interest of, to gain the attention of
carouse (v)
to revel, to party
cavort (v)
to frolic, leap, prance
celestial (adj)
relating to the sky or the heavens
chastise (v)
to criticize, to scold
choreographed (adj)
arranged, as in dance
circumlocution (n)
indirect language
circumspect (adj)
clairvoyant (adj)
able to see things that others cannot
claustrophobia (n)
an abnormal fear of closed or crowded spaces
cliche (n)
a trite, overused expression
coalesce (v)
to combine into one
cogent (adj)
intelligent, viable
collusion (n)
a conspiracy, a secret agreement
an enormous structure
commendable (adj)
worthy of praise
commodious (adj)
spacious, roomy