
  1. histology
    study of cells, tissue, and organs at the microscopic level
  2. What are the different ways to process tissue?
    • fix: crosslink protein and maintain tissue architecture
    • dehydrate: remove water
    • embed: infiltrate/embed tissue with hard material that can be cut into thin slices
    • section: cut thin slices of embedded tissue
    • stain: either in light microscopy or electron microscopy
  3. What are the different kinds of staining and their uses?
    • light microscopy:
    • histochemical for reactive chemical groups such as charge (i.e. Hematoxylin and Eosin = H&E);
    • immunocytochemical (i.e. with antibodies for specific antigens)

    • electron microscopy:
    •  osmium for transmission E.M. = ultra-thin sections of detailed subcellular structure
    • gold/metal coating for scanning E.M. = 3D-like image
  4. Tissue
    a group of similar cells and surrounding extracellular matrix and extracellular fluid
  5. What are the four major basic tissue types?
    • epithelia
    • connective tissue
    • muscle
    • nervous tissue
  6. Organ
    groups of tissues that act together to carryout specific bodily functions
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ANAT 390 Lecture 1