Oral Pathology

  1. Oral Pathology-
    study of disease in the oral cavity.
  2. Many_____, as well as infectious diseases, have oral manifestations.
  3. Eight sources of information can be used to make a final diagnosis.
    Historical, Clinical, Radiographic, Microscopic, Laboratory, Therapeutic, Surgical, and Differential findings.
  4. A clinical diagnosis is based on...
    the clinical appearance of the lesion, including the color, size, shape, and location.
  5. Radiographs are excellent in providing information about...
    periaphical pathology, internal resorption, and impacted teeth.
  6. A biopsy is done when....
    a suspicious lesion is present, tissue is removed from the lesion and is sent to a pathology lab.
  7. Therapeutic Diagnosis....
    is made by providing a treatment and seeing how the condition responds.
  8. Angular Cheilitis-
    may be caused by a lack of the B-complex vitamins, or a fungal infection.
  9. Lesion
    broad term for abnormal tissues in the oral cavity.
  10. A lesion can be...
    a wound, sore, or any other tissue damage caused by injury or disease.
  11. Lesions of the oral mucosa are classified as to...
    whether they extend below or above the mucosal surface, and whether they lie flat or even with the mucosal surface.
  12. Ulcer-
    break in the mucosa that looks like a punched-out area, similiar to a crater.
  13. Erosion-
    a shallow injury in the mucosa caused by mechanical trauma.
  14. Abscess-
    collection of pus in a specific area.
  15. Cyst-
    fluid or semisolid, fluid-filled sac.
  16. Blisters, also known as....
    vesicles, are filled with a watery fluid.
  17. Pustule-
    looks like a blister but contains pus.
  18. Hematoma-
    similiar to a blister, but contains blood.
  19. Plaque
    any patch or flat area that is slightly raised from the surface.
  20. Leukoplakia
    general term that means "White patch"
  21. The cause of leukoplakia...
    is unknown, but the prescence of disease is often linked to chronic irritation or trauma.
  22. Leukoplakia often appears....
    before a malignant lesion develops.
  23. Lichen planus-
    benign, chronic disease that afects the skin and oral mucosa.
  24. Wickham's striae
    patchy white lesions exhibit a characteristic pattern of circles and interconnecting lines.
  25. Candidiasis-
    superficial infection caused by the yeasterlike fungus Candida albicans.
  26. Candidiasis can result...
    from antibiotic therapy, diabetes, xerostoma, and weakens immunologic reactions.
  27. Pseudomembranous Candidiasis-
    creamy white plaques in the mouth. The patient frequently describes a burning sensation, an unpleasant taste, or the feeling of blisters forming in the mouth.
  28. Hyperplastic candidiasis-
    white plague that cannot be removed.
  29. Alphthous ulcers-
    canker sores occur as a common form of oral mucosal ulceration.
  30. Recurrent aphthous ulcer(RAU)-
    disease that causes recuring outbreaks of blister-like sores inside the mouth and lips. appear on the linings of the cheek, edge of the tongue, floor of the mouth.
  31. Minor RAU-
    mildest form of involvement, represents 90 percent of all cases.
  32. Major RAU-
    characterized by more frequent outbreaks of larger, deeper ulcers that take longer to heal.
  33. Cellulitis-
    condition in which an inflammation is uncontroled within a localized area.
  34. Glossitis-
    general term that is used to describe inflammation and changes to the tongue.
  35. Black hairy tongue-
    The filiform papillae become elongated so that they resemble hairs. These elongated papillae become stained by food and tobacco.
  36. Geographic tongue-
    surface of the tongue loses areas of the filiform papillae in irregularly shaped patterns.
  37. Fissured tongue
    Theories include a vitamin deficiency or chronic trauma over a long period. The top of the tongue appears to have deep fissures or grooves that can get food trapped in.
  38. Pernicious anemia-
    condition in which the body does not absorb vitamin B12. People with this condition show signs of anemia, weakness, fatigue, nausea...etc.
  39. Angular cheilitis-
    ulceration and redness at the corners of the lips.
Card Set
Oral Pathology
dental oral pathology