chapter 1 big book

  1. critical thinking
    the constant practice of considering all aspects of a situation when deciding what to believe or what to do
  2. empathy
    sensitivity to the individual needs and reactions of patients
  3. learning style
    the way an individual perceives and processes information to learn new material
  4. perceiving
    how an individual looks at information and sees it as real
  5. processing
    how an individual internalizes new information and makes it his or her own
  6. professional behaviors
    actions that identify the medical assistant as a member of a health profession
  7. reflection
    the process of considering new information and internalizing it to create new ways of examining information
  8. perception
    is how you go about examining new material and making it real

    . two types

    • concrete perceivers
    • abstract perceivers
  9. concrete perceivers
    learn information through direct experience by doing, acting , sensing or feeling. they prefer to learn thing that mean something to them personally or have a connection they can see as useful
  10. abstract perceivers
    take information through analysis, observations and reflection. they like to think about new material and analyze it before incorporating it into their learning.  they prefer to learn step-by-step use this method to solve problems and deal with conflict
  11. active processors
    make sense of the new material by jumping in and doing things immediately
  12. reflective processors
    think about the information to observe and consider
  13. stage 1 learners have a
     concrete reflective style of learning

    . they want to know the purpose of information and must draw a personal connection with the content in order to learn it

    . brainstorming and creative problem solving

    . enjoys working in groups
  14. stage 2 learners have a
    abstract reflective style of learning

    . they are egar to learn just for the sheer pleasure of it. and prefer to learn as much factual material as possible

    . likes organized lectures but dislikes group work
  15. stage 4 accommodators have a
    concrete active style of learning

    . they want to know how they can use what they learn to make a differene in their lives

    . have leadership and prefer unstructured activities

    . enjoys teaching and working in groups

    . learn best when the material is applied to real-world problems
  16. stage 3 learners have a
    abstract active style of learning prefer to experiment and test the knowledge they learn

    . they want to know how it works and to apply

    . their strengths are in promblem solving and decision making

    . they learn hands on
  17. identify you main concern
    • . what must you do to accomplish you goals?
    • . plan time
    • . use down time
    • . guard time
    • . discover time
    • . assign time
  18. be organized
    . what materials , books, research materials and supplies do you need for effective study time?

    • how can you make the most of your time?
    • . record time
    • . use optimal time
  19. stop procrastinating
    • . make the work meaningful
    • . plan work deadlines
    • . ask for help
    • . prioritize
    • . reward youself
  20. conflict management
    . it is best to solve the conflict in a private place at the preschedule time
  21. assertive communication
    . assertive communication allows you to honestly express your throughts and feelings and enables you to stand up for yourself in a reasonable and rational manner without an emoitional scene
  22. were are not born
    assertive it is a behavior that must be learned
  23. passive or non-assertive individuals
    . feel hurt when they are taken advantage of or are anxious about dealing with conflict

    . non-assertive individuals internalize hurt and anxiety and eventually have an angry outburst because of all the built up stress
  24. aggressive individuals
    • . take advantage of others
    • . appear self-righteous and act in a superior way to get what they want
    • . may humiliate or hurt others to achieve their goals or to have their own needs satisfied
  25. non-assertive behaviors
    • . eyes down
    • . shifting weight when talking
    • . slumped posture
    • . maybe I guess
  26. agressive behaviors
    • . lean forward and point a finger when talking
    • . raises voice or sound arrogant
    • . you better
    • . do it or else
  27. assertive actions
    use an I sentence to clearly state how you feel about the situation

    become specific about what a problem is
  28. assertive body language
    • . 80% to 90% of a message is nonverbal
    • . The I message must be accompanied by assertive behavior
    • . eye contact
    • . raise voice
  29. public health
    • . prevent epidmics
    • . promote healthy behaviors
    • . responds to disasters
  30. mind maps
    • . visual representations of the new material
    • . helps you illustrate the main idea and surround it with important details
    • . helpful for abstract , concrete learners
    • . fishbone, spider, chain of events , cycle map
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chapter 1 big book
chapter 1 big book