Fundamentals The Healthcare Delivery System

  1. What Do HMO's include?
    • Urgent Care Clinics
    • Outpatient Surgical Centers
  2. What are the advantages of belonging to an HMO include?
    Besides your monthly premium, the only fee you pay is a small co-payment at the time service is rendered to you. ($15.00-$25.00 for a doctor visit, $50.00 for an Er visit or an ambulance pick-up.
  3. What are the disadvantages to belonging to an HMO?
    • HMO network
    • High premium rates
    • Controls physician's care
  4. What is Medicare?
    • A U.S. federally funded insurance program
    • For older Patients that have retired (65 & Older)
  5. What are the 4 Plans of Medicare?
    • Part A: Hospital Coverage
    • Part B: Medicare Insurance
    • Part C: Medicare Advantage Plans
    • Part D: Prescription Drug Plans
  6. What is Medicaid?
    • A Federal and State Funded Insurance Program
    • The States are responsible for who is a eligibility group
    • Ex. Include Age, income and resources, and disability
  7. What are some Health Care Facilities?
    • Public: hospitals and healthcare facilities are operated by federal or local governments.
    • Private: Owned by specific organizations like VA's only their families and certain group of people can use these.
    • Not-For-Profit: These are run by the county
    • Proprietary: Owned and runned for profit, strictly for money
  8. What is a Mission Statement?
    • The basic philosophy and primary goals of a particular facility.
    • Some mission statements are run by relegions
  9. What are a list of different types of Physicians?
    • MD: Doctor of Medicine
    • Doctor Of Osteopathy (DO): Use more natural forms of healing and some use of medicine
    • Referring physician: Refer to other doctors, facilities, or specialized doctors for treatment
    • Attending physician: Tend to the needs of the patient for a specific reason
    • Intern: Medical Student who has graduated and gaining practice
    • Fellows: Getting advanced training in a specialized area
    • Specialist: Specialized in one area
  10. What are Diagnostic Services?
    • Health care workers in diagnostic service areas perform tests or evaluations that aid the physician in determining the presence or absence of a disease or condition.
    • X ray falls under this
  11. What are Therapeutic Services?
    • Therapists provide services designed to help patients overcome some form of physical or psychological disability
    • Radiation Therapist would fall under this
  12. What is a list of General Services?
    • Admitting
    • Emergency
    • Nursing
    • Social Services
  13. What are some Support Services?
    • Laundry
    • Housekeeping
    • Personnel
    • Purchasing
  14. What is a Professional?
    • Someone Engaged in creative and intellectually challenging work.
    • A person having impressive competence in a particular are
  15. What do professional Societies do?
    • Publish professional journals
    • conduct educational meetings
    • represent their members to the gov.
    • provide containing ed verification
    • offer scholarships
    • Information networking
    • Recruitment
    • Promotional materials
    • Malpractice and hospitilization Insurance
  16. What is the ASRT?
    • The most prominent national professional society voice for radiologic technologists.
    • More than 150,000 members throughout the U.S. and overseas
    • Developed the document called The Practice Standards for medical imaging and radiation therapy
  17. What is some Radiography Practice Standards?
    • Scope of practice
    • clinical performance standards
    • Quality performance standards
    • Professional performance standards
    • advisory opinion statements
  18. What are some Educational Programs in Radiography?
    • Hospitals (JRCERT have pretty much ruled out hospital programs)
    • Community Colleges
    • Universities
  19. What are Credentials?
    • Once an individual has passed the appropriate examination, he or she is listed in the registry and granted the right to use the appropriate professional title
    • Ex. RT (R) Registered Technologist
  20. What is ARRT?
    • The American Registry Of Radilogic Technologist
    • Encourages the study and elevates the standards of radilogic technology
    • Examine and certify eligible candidates
    • Periodically publish a list of registrants
    • (They work closely with ASRT)
    • Help write Registry exam
  21. How much is the fee for an individual to pay to maintain active status with the ARRT and must adhere to the ARRT Code Of Ethics?
    25 $ a year
  22. The ARRT registrants must also certify that they have how many attended hours of continuing education during the previous 2 years to maintain their registration status?
    24 hours
  23. Describe Licensure.
    A process by which a govermental agency (usually a state) grants permission to individuals to practice their profession.
  24. What is a Limited Permit?
    • A person that is allowed to practice radiography under limited circumstances.
    • Ex. Nurse or lab tech that do alot of feet x rays are only allowed to do a limited amount of feet x rays
  25. What are the OPPORTUNITIES in radilogic Technology?
    Radiographers perform diagnostic x ray procedures, administer contrast media, and aid the radiologist
  26. What are the requirments for becoming a Radiographer?
    • Must complete an acdreditied radiography program
    • Must pass the national exam in radiography offered by the ARRT
  27. What is Mammography? (M)
    • Radilogic examination of the breast
    • Mammography is a useful diagnostic tool for early detection of breast disease.
  28. What is Computed Tomography? (CT)
    Radilogic examination of a pre-determined plane in the body. It is processed by a computer for display
  29. What is Nuclear Medicine? (N)
    Procedures that usually involve the imaging of a patients organs, such as the liver, heart, or brain after the introduction of a radioactive material known as a radiopharmaceutical
  30. What is Cardio-Interventional Technology? (CI)
    Involves the injection of a iodinated contrast media for diagnosing, diseases of the heart and blood vessels.
  31. What is Radiation Therapy? (T)
    The use of high energy ionizing radiation to treat primarily malignant tumors
  32. What is Diagnostic Medical Sonography? (S)
    The visualization of structures of the body by recording the reflections of pulses of high-frequency sound waves directed into the tissue
  33. What is Magnetic Reasonance Imaging? (MR)
    MRI uses a strong magnetic field and radiowaves along with a computer to generate sectional images of patient anatomy.
  34. What all do the Administration Do?
    • Supervisory positions in radiography CT, MR, CV, RDMS, QM
    • Radiology manager supervises everyone in the imaging department
    • chief radiographer or lead tech schedules tasks, manages day-to-day activities and orders supplies
  35. What is a Medical Dosimetrists?
    Determines how much radiation will be delivered to a tumor site
  36. Describe the Employment Outlook for radiographers.
    • The Bureau Of Labor Statistics
    • Economic Recession of 2008
    • Latest prediction indicates only approximately 4600 more imaging jobs will be added by 2018.
  37. What is Accreditaion?
    A voluntary peer process through which an agency grants recognition to an institution for a program of study that meets specific criteria
  38. What is TJC?
    The Joint Commission- Hospitals and healthcare facilities seek accreditation through TJC.
  39. What Is JRCERT?
    • The Joint Review Commitee on Education in Radiologic Technology
    • They grant educational instituations accreditation
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Fundamentals The Healthcare Delivery System
fundamentals, health care