Lab 2: Cerebellum and Brainstem

  1. Anterior lobe of cerebellum function
    regulates unconscious proprioception
  2. Cerebellum Posterior lobe function
    • "Neocerebellum"
    • It mediates fine motor cordination
  3. Flocculonodular lobe of cerebellum
    • Made up of the nodulus and flocculus
    • vestibulocerebellum
  4. Vermis
    joins the cerebellar hemispheres; site of termination of the spinocerebellar tracts
  5. Primary fissure of cerebellum
    divides the cerebellum into anterior and posterior parts
  6. Horizontal fissure
    divides the cerebellum into superior and inferior parts
  7. Superior medullary velum
    White matter lamina that acts as the roof of the 4th ventricle
  8. Superior cerebellar peduncles
    "Brachium Conjunctivum" - carry bundle of fibers from midbrain and pons to the cerebellum
  9. Middle cerebellar peduncles
    "Brachium pontis" carry fibers mostly from pons to the cerebellum
  10. inferior cerebellar peduncles
    • "Restiform body"
    • carry fibers from the medulla and spinal cord to the cerebellum
  11. Cerebellar Nuclei
    receive input from the cerebellar cortex and they represent the output of the cerebellum
  12. arbor vitae
    arrangement of cerebellar gray and white matter.
  13. Where is the corpora quadrigemina located?
    in the tectum of the midbrain
  14. What forms the corpora quadrigemina?
    The superior colliculi and inferior colliculi
  15. What does the superior colliculus do?
    receives visual input and is involved in ocular motor control
  16. Inferior colliculus
    receives auditory input from the brain stem and auditory cortex
  17. What connects the colliculi with the thalamus?
    the brachia of superior and INF colliculi
  18. CN IV
    purely motor; supplies the superior oblique muscle
  19. Crus Cerebri
    • located anterior to cerbral peduncles
    • contains motor tracts
  20. interpeduncular fossa location
    space between the cerebral peduncles;
  21. What emerges from the interpeduncular fossa?
    CN III emerges from it
  22. CN III Innvervation
    • Motor - levator palpedbrae superiori, INF rectus, MED rect, SUP rectus, and INF oblique
    • Parasympathetic to: pupillary constriction and lens accomodation.
  23. Pons
    contain multiple nuclei that regulate sensory and motor innervation to the face; involved in breathing, swallowing, auditory input, balance, sleep / consciousness
  24. CN V
    • arises from mid pons
    • sensory fibers to the face
    • motor fibers muscles of mastication
  25. Dorsal median sulcus
    posterior groove in closed medulla
  26. medial eminence
    elevation in the Rhomboid fossa
  27. Facial colliculus
    dorsal elevation formed by the facial nerve looping around the abducens nerve inside the pons
  28. Vestibular area
    dorsal elevation formed by the presence of the vestibular nuclei inside the pons
  29. stria medullares
    portion of CN VIII that crosses the acoustic area
  30. Sulcus limitans
    marks the lateral boundary of the rhomboid fossa in proximity of the locus ceruleus
  31. Pontomedullary junction
    fissure marking the separation of the pons from the medulla oblongata; point of exit of cranial nerves VI, VII, and VIII
  32. Pyramid
    Elevation located in the superoanterior aspect of the medulla site of corticospinal tract decussation
  33. Olive
    • elevations located lateral to the pyramids
    • involved in control of movement
  34. Cuneate tubercle and fasciulus
    part of dorsal column system; carries proprioception and touch from upper body
  35. Gracile tubercle and fasciculus
    • Part of dorsal column system;
    • carries proprioception and touch from lower body
  36. Vagal trigone
    Eminence inthe Rhomboid Fossa Formed by CN X
  37. Hypoglossal trigone
    eminence in the rhomboid fossa formed by CN XII
  38. Obex
    Most inferior point of the IV ventricle as it becomes the central canal
  39. Dorsal Median sulcus
    shallow groove located in posterior closed medulla.
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Lab 2: Cerebellum and Brainstem
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