1. Check plot
    A plot of a digitized map for error checking
  2. Cluster tolerance
    A tolerance for snapping points and lines. It is functionally similar to fuzzy tolerance.
  3. Dangle
    An arc that has the same polygon on both its left and right sides and a dangling node at the end of the arc.
  4. Dangle length
    A tolerance that specifies the minimun length for dangling arcs on an output coverage.
  5. Dangling node
    A node at the end of an arc that is not connected to other arcs.
  6. Data precision
    A measure of how exactly data such as the location data of x- and y-coordinates are recorded.
  7. Douglas-Peucher algorithm
    A computer algorithm for line simplification.
  8. Edgematching
    An editing operation that matches lines along the edge of a layer to lines of an adjacent layer.
  9. Fuzzy tolerance
    A tolerance that specifies the miniumum distance between vertices on a coverage.
  10. Line simplification
    The process of simplifying or generalizing a line by removing some of the line's points.
  11. Line smoothing
    The process of smoothing a line by adding new points, which are typicaly generated by a mathermatical function such a spline, to the line.
  12. Location errors
    Errors related to the location of map features such as missing lines or missing polygons.
  13. Map topology
    A temporary set of topological relationships between coincident parts of simple features between layers.
  14. Nontopological editing
    Editing on nontopological data.
  15. Overshoot
    One type of digitizing error that results in an overextended arc.
  16. Pseudo node
    A node appearing along a continuous arc.
  17. Topological editing
    Editing on topological data to make sure that they follow the required topological realtionships.
  18. Topological errors
    Errors related to the topology of map features such as dangling arcs and missing multiple labels.
  19. Undershoot
    One type of digitizing error that results in a gap between arcs.
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Chapter 8