Lab 1: Cerebral Hemispheres

  1. What is the general function of the frontal lobe?
    higher-order heteromodal association cortex (mostly prefrontal cortex.
  2. What is the important role of the frontal lobe?
    restraining behaviors, initiative, order & sequence.
  3. What is the function of the broca's area?
    • Region of speech production in dominant hemisphere.
    • (95% right hander, and 70% left handers
  4. Frontal sulci
    • Superior divides the superior frontal gyrus and the middle frontal gyrus
    • Inferior seperates the middle and the inferior frontal gyrus.
  5. Motor Homunculus represents?  Location? point of origin?
    • Located in the precentral gyrus
    • represents body regions in the primary motor cortex; point of origin of the corticospinal tract.
  6. What does the central sulcus separate?
    Pre- and post-central gyrus.
  7. What is the general function f the temporal lobe?
    • Auditory perception, language perception;
    • plays a key role in the formation of long-term memories (via the hippocampus)
  8. What is the function of the lateral sulcus?
    It separates the frontal and parietal lobes from the temporal lob.
  9. What is the function of the Wernicke's area?
    Comprehension of language in the dominant hemisphere; it encircles the primary auditory cortex.
  10. What is the function of primary auditory cortex
    process auditory input, including volume and pitch.
  11. What is the function of the insula?
    • it is the interoceptive center;
    • regulation of emotions, autonomic, motor and sensory processing.
  12. What is the general function of the parital lobe?
    Integrates sensory information, including modalities that determine spatial relationship.
  13. What is the function of the somatosensory cortex?
    • the sensory homunculus is present in the postcentral gyrus.
    • (Brodmann areas 3,1, and 2)
  14. Post-central sulcus
    Posterior to the post central gyrus.  Separates the post central gyrus from the parietal lobule
  15. Intraparital sulcus
    • Horizontal and oblique portions
    • cortical areas surrounding it are involved in numerical spatial and symbols perception
  16. General function of the occipital lobe and visual cortex
    processing of visual input, including color, frequency of electromagnetic waves, and spatial relationships.
  17. Function of the corpus callosum?
    • largest cerebral commissural fiber bundle;
    • interconnects the cerebral hemispheres
  18. What is th function of the cingulate gyrus?
    involved in limbic circuitries (including papez)
  19. Paracentral gyri
    supplementary motor area (involve in motor planning)
  20. Marginal sulcus
    Separates the paracentral gyri from the precuneus
  21. Precuneus function
    Regulates visuospatial imagery; episodic memory; visual imagery of self.
  22. Parieto-occipital sulcus
    separates the parietal and occipital lobes
  23. Cuneus function
    provides with basic visual processing
  24. Calcarine sulcus
    primary visual cortex location
  25. What is the straight sulcus?
    • Part of the frontal lobe
    • function is unclear
  26. Olfactory sulcus
    groove occupied by olfactory nerve
  27. olfactory nerve
    • CN I
    • provides olfaction; purely sensory
  28. Optic Nerve
    • Conveys visual input, purely sensor.
    • Nasal fibers of CN II decussate at the chiasm, and becomes the optic tract.
  29. Orbital gyri
    • Associated with vagal processing.
    • Inferior temporal gyrus: involved in complex visual processing
  30. Occipitotemporal gyri
    • involved in visual processing;
    • recognition of the face and body.
  31. Parahippocampal Gyrus
    processing of visual bakcground and scenery
  32. Uncus
    • Anterior flexure of the parahippocampal gyrus.
    • Point of origin of seizures with olfactory hallucinations
  33. perforated substances
    Gray matter with multiple openings for arteries supplying internal capsule and other structures
Card Set
Lab 1: Cerebral Hemispheres
Scratching the surface