Rspt 1091

  1. Atelectasis
    Low lung Volume can be caused from no ambulation
  2. What are the steps in moving a patient safely?
    • 1. Place the bed in low position and lock wheels
    • 2.Place all equipment close to patient
    • 3.Move the patient to the nearest side of the bed
    • 4.Assit the patient to sit up in bed
    • 5.Place one hand under the patients farthest knee, and slowly rotate the patient so legs are off the bed
    • 6.Assit patient to standing
    • 7. engourage the patient to breathe easly
    • 8.Walk with patient
    • 9.Limit walking to 5 to 10 mins
  3. Health Care-Associated Infections (HAIs)
    Infections that patients acquire during the course of medical treatment
  4. Approximately how many patents under going medical ventilation develop pnueumonia?

  5. Infection control procedures aim to eliminate all of the following except?

    A.Source Of Infection
    B.Create Barriers to their transmission
    C.Apply spread of different baceria
    D.Monitor & evaluate the effectiveness of control
    C.Apply spread of different baceria
  6. Which 3 elements must be present for transmission of infections?
    • 1.Source of pathogen
    • 2.Susceptible host
    • 3.Route of transmission
  7. What are the primary source for infectious agents in the health care setting?

    B.Medical Equipment
  8. All of the following except are host factors for infection?

    B. Sex
  9. Surgical incisions & radiation therapy impair defenses of the skin and organ space

    True Or False
  10. Which of the following are infections in the hospital?

    B. Both A & B
  11. What is the most common route of transmission?

    D. Contact
  12. Direct Contact
    Occurs when a pathogen is transferred directly from one person to another
  13. Indirect Contact
    Involves the transfer of pathogens through a contaminated intermediate object or person
  14. Droplet Transmission
    Form of contact transmission but the mechanism of transfer of the pathogen is distinct and additional prevention measure is required

    Respiratory droplets are generated when an infected insividual discharges contaminated liquids droplets into air my coughing, sneezing or talking
  15. Using a distance of how many feet is effective in perventing transmission?
    6 feet
  16. What are the guidelines of Health Care Infection Control Practies Advisory Committe (HICPAC)
    Mask must be worn within 6 feet of a patient or entry in to the room of a patient who is on droplet isolation
  17. Airborn Transmission
    Occurs  via spread of airborne droplet nuclei
  18. Hospitals efforts in decreasing host susceptibility focus on?
    immunizations & Chemoprophylaxis
  19. Who mandates that employes offer hepatitis B?
    OSHA Occupational Safety & health  administration
  20. What are Standard Precautions?
    Recognition that all blood, body fluids, secretions, and excretions with exception of sweat contain transmissible infectious agents
  21. What is the importance of hand hygiene?
    To ruduce the transmission of infectious agents  very essential element of standard precautions
  22. How long shouls you wash your hands with soap & water?

    D. Atleast 15 sec
  23. The elements of respiratory hygiene/cough etiquette include:
    • 1. education of health care personnel, patients and vistors
    • 2.Posted signs in language appropriate
    • 3.Source control measures (covering mouth)
    • 4.Hand hygiene after contact with secretions
    • 5.Separation of person with respiratory infections
  24. Air quality for patients with hematologic stem cell transplants is improved through?
    • hepa Filtrations
    • directed room airflow
    • positive room air pressure
    • well-sealed rooms to prevent infiltration
    • ventilation to provide 12 or more air changes per hour
    • strategies to reduce dust
    • prohibition of dried and fresh flowers
  25. What is cohorting?
    Grouping patients with the same infections together to confine care geographically and prevent transmission to other patients
  26. Disinfection
    process that destroys all pathogenic organisms on an inanimate ojject expect bacterial spores
  27. Sterilization
    destroys all microorganisms on the surface of an article or in a fluid which prevents transmission of pathogens
  28. What is Eto and what is it good for?
    Colorless. toxic gas and potent sterilzing agent

    Good for items that cannot be autoclaved

    Chronic exposure is associated wirh respiratory infections
  29. Contact with patients ventilator is considered contact with the patients body

    true or false
  30. What efficiency rate do HEPA filters have?
  31. Contaminated items whether reusable or diposable do not need to be enclosed in an impervious bag before removal from patients room

    True or False
  32. Surveillance
    Is one of the 5 key recommended components of an infection prevention program; others are investigation,prevention, control and reporting
  33. voltage
    the power potential behind the eletrical engery
  34. Electrical Safety
    Moves from point A to B owing to differences in voltage
  35. Why can the same voltage damage some people or objects  and some are not even effected?
  36. Current
    the flow of electricity from a point of higher voltage to one of lower voltage
  37. Current is messured in?
  38. Resistance is messured in?
  39. What is the greater danger when electrical shorts occur?

    Current is what is the greater danger
  40. What do currents depend on?
    • Amount of current flowing
    • Path it takes
    • Duration the current is applied
  41. Current =
  42. What are the 2 types of electrical shock?
    Macroshock-high current applied to skin

    Micoshock-small surrent by passes skin & fllows directly to body
  43. For Fire to start you must have:
    • Flammable material present
    • Oygen presemt
    • Flammable material above noraml temp
  44. What dose PASS stand for?
    • P-ull pin
    • A-im nozzle
    • S-queeze handle
    • S-weep the nozzle
  45. what dose RACE stand for:
    • R-escue patients
    • A-lert other people of fire
    • C-ontain the fire
    • E-vacuate others near fire incase fire spreads
  46. Immunocompromised host are highly susceptible to?

    C. Infections
Card Set
Rspt 1091
Egans Chapter's 3 & 4