Rhetorical Terms page 3

  1. a sustained comparison, often referred to as conceit. Developed through a piece of writing
    Extended metaphor
  2. When two cases are not sufficiently parallel to lead readers to accept a claim of connection between them
    False Analogy
  3. language that contains figures of speech, such as similies and metaphors, in order to create associations that are imaginative rather than literal
    Figurative language
  4. expressions, such as similies, metaphors, and personifications, that make imaginative, rather than literal, comparisons or associations
    Figures of speech
  5. the use of a hint of clue to suggest a larger even that occurs late in the work
  6. Sentence consisiting of three or more very short imdependent clauses joined by conjunctions
  7. When a writer bases a claim upon an isolated example or asserts that a claim is certain rather than probable. Sweeping generalizations occur when a writer asserts that a claim applies to all instances instead of some
  8. a type of literary work, such as a novel or poem; also subgenres that fit within the larger genre
  9. the excessive pride or ambition that leads a tragic hero to disregard warnings of impending doom, eventually causing his or her downfall
  10. anything that causes laughter or amusement; up until the end of the renaissance, meant a person's temperament 
  11. deliberate exaggeration in order to create humor or emphasis. Example: He was so hungry he could have eaten a horse
  12. A word or words, either figurative or literal, used to describe a sensory experiance or an object perceived by the sense. Always a concrete representation
  13. words or phrases that use a collection of images to appeal to one or more of the five senses in order to create a mental picture
  14. the process that moves from a given series of specifics to a generalization 
  15. a conclusion one can draw from the presented details
  16. writing that records the conversation that occurs inside a character's head
    Interior monologue
  17. a verbally abusive attack
  18. reversing the customary (subject first, then verb, then complement) order of elements in a sentence or phrase; it is used effectively in many cases, such as posing a question: "Are you going to the Store?" Usually, the element that appears first is emphasized more then the subject
  19. a situation or statement in which the acual outcome or meaning is opposite to what was expected
  20. The special language of a profession or a group. Example: Ebonics
  21. the process of reasoning
  22. a mistake in reasoning
    logical fallacy
  23. songlike; characterized by emotions, subjectivity, and imagination
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Rhetorical Terms page 3
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