Classification of Plants

  1. Six Methods of Classifying Plants
    • 1. life cycle
    • 2. season of growth
    • 3. stem type & form
    • 4. agronomic use
    • 5. edible part
    • 6. scientific name
  2. 3 Life Cycle Categories and Descriptions
    • 1. annual: one season (year)
    • 2. biennial: two seasons (years)
    • 3. perennial: repeat life indefinitely (regeneration)
  3. Describe the Seasons of Growth
    • 1. cool - season: grow between 60-75 F
    • 2. warm - season: grow between 80-95 F
    • 3. long - day: flower as nights become shorter in spring
    • 4. short - day: flower as nights become longer in fall
  4. Stem Types
    • 1. herbs: non-woody stems
    • 2. shrubs: multiple stems from ground level
    • 3. trees: one central woody trunk
  5. Stem Forms
    • 1. erect: (row crops)
    • 2. decumbant: (peanuts)
    • 3. creeping: (strawberry)
    • 4. climbing: (kudzu)
  6. Name and Define Agronomic Uses of Plants
    • 1. Cereals: grasses grown for edible seed
    • 2. Pulses: legumes grown for edible seed
    • 3. Oil: plants grown for their oil content
    • 4. Fiber: crop plants grown for use in fiber production
    • 5. Forage: plants grown for vegetable matter
    • 6. Sugar Crops: crops grown for making sugar
    • 7. Green Manure: crops grown to improve soil fertility
  7. Name and Define Agronomic Use of Plants contd.
    • 8. Cover Crops: plants grown between crop cycles to reduce erosion
    • 9. Vegetable: grown for direct consumption of vegetative parts
    • 10. Ornamentals: plants grown for aesthetic value
  8. Define Taxonomy
    sceince of classifying and naming plants
  9. Define Systematics
    study of diversity among organsisms to establish evolutionary relationships
  10. Who Developed the Binomial System of Nomenclature?
    Carl Linnaeus
  11. Describe the I.C.B.N.
    International Code of Botanical Nomenclature, latin-based system
  12. Plant Taxonomy Hierchy
    • 1. Kingdom
    • 2. Division
    • 3. Class
    • 4. Order
    • 5. Family
    • 6. Genus
    • 7. Species
  13. Define Variety
    group of plants found in nature that are so different from original that it warrants further classification
  14. Define Cultivar
    a single plant or group of genetically identical plants that have been cultivated or bred byhumans to maintain specefic characteristics.
  15. Corn
    Zea mays L
  16. Cotton
    Gossypium hirsutum L
  17. Soybeans
    Glycine max L. Merr
  18. Wheat
    Triticum aestivum L
  19. Rice
    Oryza sativa L
  20. Bermudagrass
    Cynodon dactylon L
  21. Tall Fescue
    Lolium arundinaceum (shreb)
  22. 3 Critical Elements to Agricultural Sustainability
    • 1. generation of adequate income
    • 2. expanded availability of food and consumption through increased production and better marketing 
    • 3. conservation and enhancement of natural resources
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Classification of Plants
classification plants