Emergency Procedures

  1. Procedure for power failure above 500 feet AGL
    • 1. Lower collective immediately to maintain RPM and enter normal autorotation
    • 2. Establish a steady glide at approximately 65 KIAS
    • 3. Adjust collective to keep RPM in green arc
    • 4. Select landing spot, if altitude permits, land into wind
    • 5. A restart may be attempted at the pilots discression
    • 6. If unable to restart, turn off unnecesary switches
    • 7. At about 40 feet AGL, begin cyclic flare
    • 8. At 8 feet AGL, forward cyclic to level/raise collective to cussion landing
  2. Procedure for power failure 8-500 feet AGL
    • 1. Takeoff operation should be conduceted per heigh velocity diagram
    • 2. Lower collective immediately to maintain rotor RPM
    • 3. Adjust collective to keep RPM in green arc
    • 4. Maintain airspeed until ground is approached, then begin cyclic flare
    • 5. At 8 feet AGL, foreward cyclic to level, and raise collective to cushion landing
  3. Procedure for power failure below 8 feet AGL
    • 1. Apply right pedal as required to prevent yaw
    • 2. Allow aircraft to settle
    • 3. Raise collective just before contact to cushion landing
  4. Maximum glide distance configuration
    • 1. Airspeed aprox. 75 KIAS
    • 2. Rotor RPM aprox. 90%
    • 3. Best glide ratio is about 4:1 or one nautical mile per 1500 feet AGL
  5. Airborn restart procedure
    • 1. Mixture - full rich
    • 2. Primer - down and locked
    • 3. Throttle - closed, then cracked slightly
    • 4. Actuate starter with left hand
  6. Loss of tail rotor thrust during foreward flight
    • 1. Failure is usually indicated by nose right yaw which cannot be corrected by applying left pedal
    • 2. Immediately enter autorotation
    • 3. Maintain at least 70 KIAS airspeed if practical
    • 4. Select landing site, roll throttle off into overtravel spring and perform autorotation landing
  7. Loss of tail rotor thrust during hover
    • 1. Failure is usually indicated by nose yaw right which cannot be stopped by applying left peda
    • 2. Immediately roll throttle off into overtravel spring and allow aircraft to settle
    • 3. Raise collective just before touchdown to cushion landing
  8. Engine fire during start on ground
    • 1. Cranking - continue attempt to start (which would suck flames and excess fuel into the carburetor)
    • 2. if engine starts, run at 50-60% RPM for a short time, shut down, and inspect for damage
    • 3. If engine fails to start, shut off fuel and master battery switch
    • 4. Extinguish fire with fire extinguisher, wool blanket, or dirt
    • 5. Inspect for damage.
  9. Fire in flight
    • 1. Enter autorotation
    • 2. Master battery switch - Off (if time permits)
    • 3. Cabin heat - Off
    • 4. Cabin vent - On
    • 5. If engine is running, perform normal landing and immediately shut off fuel valve
    • 6. If engine stops running, shut off fuel valve and execute autorotation landing
  10. Electrical fire in flight
    • 1. Master battery switch - Off
    • 2. Alt switch - Off
    • 3. Land immediately
    • 4. Extinguish fire and inspect for damage
  11. Tachometer failure
    If rotor or engine tach malfunctions in flight, use the remaining one to monitor RPM. If it is not clear which tach is malfunctioning or if both malfunction, allow governor to control RPM and land as soon as practical
  12. Governor failure
    If the engine RPM governor malfunctions, grip throttle firmly to override governor, then switch governor off. Complete flight using manual throttle control
  13. Right roll in low "G" condition
    Gradually apply aft (ass) cyclic to restore positive "G" forces and main rotor thrust. Do NOT apply lateral cyclic until positive "G" forces have been established
  14. Undommanded pitch, roll, or yaw resulting from flight in turbulence
    Gradually apply controls to maintain rotor RPM, positive "G" forces, and to eliminate sideslip. minimize cyclic control inputs in turbulence; do not overcontrol
  15. Inadvertent encounter with moderate, severe, or extreme turbulence
    If the area of turbulence is isolated, depart the are; otherwise, land the helicopter as soon as practical
  16. Definition of "land immediately"
    Land on the nearest clear area where a safe normal landing can be performed. Be prepared to endter autorotation during approach, if required
  17. Definition of "land as soon as practical"
    Land at the nearest airport or other facility where emergency maintenance may be performed
  18. Power failure - General
    • 1. A power failure may be caused by either an engine or drive system failure and will usually be indicated by the low RPM horn
    • 2. An engine failure may be indicated by a change in noise leve, nose left yaw, oil pressure light, or decreasing engine RPM
    • 3. A drive system failure may be indicated by an unusual noise or vibration, nose right or left yaw, or decreasing rotor RPM while engine RPM is increasing
Card Set
Emergency Procedures
Emergency procedures for an R22 helicopter