1. Bi-level scanned file
    A scanned file containing values of 1 or 0.
  2. Cell-by-cell encoding
    A raster data structure that stores cell values in a matrix by row and column.
  3. Data compression
    Reduction of data volumes, especially for raster data.
  4. Digital elevation model (DEM)
    A digital model with an array of uniformy spaced elevation data in raster format.
  5. Digital orthophoto quad (DOQ)
    A digitized image prepared from an aerial photograph or other remotely sensed data, in which the displacement caused by camera tilt and terrain relief has been removed.
  6. Digital raster graphic (DRG)
    A scanned image of a USGS topographic map.
  7. ESRI grid
    A propriety ESRI format for raster data.
  8. Floating-point raster
    A raster that contains cells of continuous values.
  9. Georeferenced raster
    A raster that has been processed to align witha projected coordinate system.
  10. Integer raster
    A raster that contains cell values of integers.
  11. Landsat
    An orbiting satellite that provides repeat images of the Earth's surface. Landsat 7 was launched in April 1999.
  12. Lossless compression
    One type of data compression that allows the original image to be precisely reconstructed.
  13. Lossy compression
    One type of data compression that can achieve high-compression ratios but cannot reconstruct fully the original image.
  14. Quad tree
    A raster data structure that divides a raster into hierarchy quadrants.
  15. Raster data model
    A data model that uses rows, columns, and cells to construct spatial features.
  16. Rasterization
    Conversion of vector data to raster data.
  17. Run length encoding (RLE)
    A raster data structure that records the cell values by row and by group. A run-length compressed (RLC) file.
  18. SPOT
    A french satellite that provides repeat images of the Earth's surface. SPOT 5 was launched in May 2002.
  19. Vectorization
    Conversion of raster data to vector data.
  20. Wavelet Transform
    A new image compression technique that treats an image as a wave and progressively decomposes the wave into simpler wavelets.
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Chapter 5