1. Aggregation
    A class relationshionship by which an object from one class is defined as an aggregate of objects from another class.
  2. ArcObjects
    A collection of objects used by ArcGIS Desktop.
  3. Association
    A class relationship that defines how many instances of one class can be associated with the other class.
  4. Class
    A set of objects with similar attributes.
  5. Composition
    A class relationship by which an object from one class is defined as a "whole" and objects from another class as "parts" and the whole controls the whole controls the lifetime of the parts.
  6. Encapsulation
    A principle used in object-oriented technology to hide the properties and methods of an object so that the object can only be accessed through the predefined interfaces.
  7. Feature class
    A data set that stores features of the same geometry type in a geodatabase.
  8. Featrue dataset
    A collection of feature classes in a geodatabase that share the same coordinate system and area extent.
  9. Geodatabase
    An object-based data model developed by ESRI, Inc.
  10. Inheritance
    A principle used in object-oriented technology that stipulates that an object can inherit properties and methods from the class that the object belongs to.
  11. Instantiation
    A class relationship stating that an object of a class can be created from an object of another class.
  12. Interface
    A set of externally visible operations of an object.
  13. Method
    A specific action that an object can perform.
  14. Object
    An entity such as a land parcel that has a set of properties that can perform operations upon request.
  15. Object-based data model
    A data model that uses objects to organize spatial data.
  16. Polymorphism
    A principle used in object-oriented technology that stipulates that the same method, if applied to different kinds of objects, can produce different effects.
  17. Property
    An attribute or characteristic of an object.
  18. Type inheritance
    A class relationship by which a class inherits the properties and methods of another class.
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Chapter 4