SA Med, E1, Ob Intracellular Bact

  1. What is the cause of rocky mountain spotted fever? dogs and/or cats?
    • ricketsia rickettsii (only ricketsial agent that causes disease)
    • cats resistant to dz, dogs only
  2. How is RMSF transmitted? Where and when is it more common?
    • ticks (transovarially in tick so nymphs and larvae infected w/o feeding)
    • SE states from March-Oct when ticks more active (seasonal)
  3. Is RMSF zoonotic?
    yes but rarely acquired from your dog
  4. When do clinical signs emerge with RMSF? What are common presenting signs? Which is often most prominent feature?
    • 2-3 days after exposure
    • polyarthritis(most prominent)
    • vasculitis (rep. in endothelial cells) and antiplatelet Ab
    • thrombocytopenia signs; melena, edema
    • pulmonary disease
  5. After infection with RMSF, do most dogs get subclinical, acute, or chronic disease?
    majority subclinical (no age, sex predilection)
  6. Is lymphadenopathy and splenomegaly more common with RMSF or ehlichiosis?
    ehrlichiosis (these are signs of chronicity, RMSF has no chronicity)
  7. How is polyarthritis sample usually described with RMSF?
    neutrophilic polyarthritis
  8. What CBC are consistent with RMSF?
    thrombocytopenia (due to vasculitis)
  9. Why is hyperglobulinemia uncommon with RMSF?
    this is a sign of chronicity, RMSF does not have chronicity
  10. What 2 things are needed to diagnose RMSF?
    + titers (IFA) with clinical signs (anemia, thrombocytopenia, polyarthritis)
  11. Are RMSF patients treated as In or Out-patients? What is the treatment?
    • in patient b/c need fluid tx (careful due to vasculitis) 
    • doxycycline or fluoroquinolones
  12. Is fluoroquinolones appropriate for treating RMSF? Ehrlichiosis?
    • yes for RMSF
    • Not for ehrlichiosis
  13. What is prognosis for RMSF with treatment?
    • response often within 24-48 hours
    • fair to good prognosis (only 5% die - kidney failure or cardiac)
  14. Is treatment curative for RMSF? Ehrlichia?
    permanent immunity likely with RMSF (not ehrlichia)
  15. What is most consistent feature of ehrlichiosis?
  16. does ehrlichiosis affect dogs and/or cats?
    dogs only (E.canis)
  17. Is ehrlichiosis passed transovarially in the tick?
    no so tick must feed on infected dog (only with RMSF)
  18. Which cell does E. canis usually affect?
  19. Is ehrlicia seasonal?
    no, because subclinical infection can show up months to years later; and chronic phase
  20. What are features of acute ehrlichiosis? prognosis
    (similar to RMSF) vasculitis and anemia, mononuclear cells infected; most dogs recover with or without treatment
  21. What are common features of chronic ehrlichiosis?
    • bleeding tendencies/anemia 
    • polyarthritis (E. ewingii)
    • lymphadenopathy, splenomegaly
  22. If dog recovers from E. canis will he have protective immunity?
    no; reinfection possible and serology may remain positive
  23. What is treatment of choice for e.canis?
    doxycycline (do NOT use enrofloxacin-won't eliminate infection)
  24. What is prognosis for ehrlichiosis?
    • good short term, improvement in 24-48 hours
    • chronic may require long term Abs
  25. Who is affected by anaplasmosis?
    cats, dogs, sheep, horses, and humans
  26. Who acts as reservoir for anaplasmosis?
    rodents and small mammals (same w/RMSF)
  27. What are most common clinical features of anaplasmosis in the dog?
    fever, reluctant to move ,thrombocytopenia, hypoalbuminemia
  28. Is there a seasonal feature of anaplasmosis?
    acute disease in fall when ticks are active
  29. Where do anaplasmosis morulae reside in the body?
    granulocytes (neutrophils)
  30. What are diagnostic options for anaplasmosis?
    serology or PCR
  31. How do you treat anaplasmosis?
    doxycycline - rapid improvement
  32. What is cause of feline infectious anemia?
    mycoplasma haemofelis
  33. How is mycoplasma haemofelis transmitted?
    • fleas bites
    • queen to kitten
  34. How does FeLV affect prognosis of mycoplasma haemofelis? what about FIV?
    • FeLV: worsens
    • FIV: not worse
  35. Do cats clear mycoplasma infections?
    No, can be clinically normal but remain carriers (organism in macrophages)
  36. Is icterus a common feature of mycoplasma?
  37. What are clinical features of mycoplasma?
    regen. anemia, cyclic fever, splenomegaly, wt loss
  38. Where could you see mycoplasma organism?
    blood smear; on surface of RBC
  39. How is mycoplasma treated?
    • doxycycline (esophageal strictures) - rapid response
    • cats remain carriers!
  40. What dogs get hemobartonella canis?
    splenectomized dogs or those with serious illness/chemotherapy
Card Set
SA Med, E1, Ob Intracellular Bact
SA Med, E1, Ob Intracellular Bact