Sustainable Ecosystems

  1. What is an Ecosystem?
    • All the interacting parts of a biological community and its environment.
    • i.e.- Aquarium
  2. What is a Sustainable Ecosystem?
    • An ecosystem that is capable of withstanding pressure and giving support to a variety of organisms.
    • i.e.- Ocean, Tropical Rainforest, Dessert.
  3. What is Biotic?
    • The term for the living parts of an ecosystem.
    • i.e.- The plants and/or animals in the ecosystem.
  4. What is Abiotic?
    • The term for the non-living parts of an ecosystem.
    • i.e.- Rocks, dirt, water, etc.
  5. What is the Lithosphere?
    • Th hard part of Earth's surface. (Yellow)
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  6. What is the Hydrosphere?
    • All the water found on Earth. (Dark Blue)
    • i.e.- Lakes, oceans, ground water, etc. 
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  7. What is the Atmosphere?
    • The layer of gases above Earth's surface. (Light Blue)
    • i.e.- air, greenhouse gases, etc.
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  8. What is the Biosphere?
    • The regions of Earth where living organisms exist. 
    • i.e.- Rainforest, ocean, etc.
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  9. What is Nutrients?
    • Chemicals that are essential to living things and are recycled through the Earth.
    • i.e.- Fat, protein, vitamins.
  10. What is Eutrophication?
    A process in which nutrient levels in aquatic ecosystems increase, leading to an increase in the populations of primary producers.
  11. What is Photosynthesis?
    • A process that changes solar energy into chemical energy.
    • (equation below is the equation for photosynthesis. Note: Water and light must be present for photosynthesis to happen)
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  12. What is a Trophic Level?
    • A catergory of organisms that is defined by how the organisms gain their energy.
    • i.e.- Tertiary consumers, producers, etc. (see full list in photo)
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  13. What is Biomass?
    The total mass of living organisms in a defined group or area.
  14. What is Trophic Efficiency?
    • A measure of the amount of energy or biomass transferred from one trophic level to the next.
    • i.e.- see diagram below
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  15. What is Bioaccumulation?
    A process in an organism ingests materials, especially toxins, faster than it eliminates them.
  16. What is Biomagnification?
    • A process in which the concentration of injected toxins increases from one trophic level to the next.
    • i.e.- see diagram below
    • Image Upload 18
  17. What is Cellular Respiration?
    A process that releases energy from organic molecules, especially carbohydrates, in the presence of oxygen.
  18. What is Fermentation?
    A process that releases energy from organic molecules, especially carbohydrates, in the absence of oxygen.
  19. What are Greenhouse Gases?
    Atmospheic gases that prevent heat from leaving the atmosphere, thus increasing the temperature of the atmosphere.
  20. What is the Greenhouse Effect?
    The warming of the Earth as a result of greenhouse gases, which trap some of the energy that would otherwise leave Earth.
  21. What is Acid Precipitation?
    Rain, snow, or fog that is unnatually acidic due to gases in the atmosphere that react with water to form acids.
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Sustainable Ecosystems