1. Mechanical Advantage of an Inclined Plane
    Length of slope / Height of plane
  2. Mechanical Advantage of Pulley
    • Resistance Force (weight) / Effort Force 
    • OR
    • # of ropes that support the pulley
  3. 1 lb = ? oz
  4. 1 gallon = x pints
  5. 1 gallon = x quarts
  6. 1 ton = x lbs
  7. Total # of degrees of a shape
    (# of sides - 2) * 180
  8. Supplementary Angles
    Addup  to 180
  9. Complementary Angles
    Add up to 90
  10. 2 times r exceeds one half of t by 5
    2r - .5 = 5
  11. Questions regarding how fast people can do a job together
    Time actually needed / Time can do the job alone = 1
  12. Product has been discounted to a new price, what is the percent reduction?
    • Old price - new price
    • Difference / old price
    • multiply numerator by 100, divide
  13. You know details of one gear
    How many revolutions of other gear?
    • r = (D*R)/d
    • #of teeth gear A * # revolutions of gear A / # teeth gear B
  14. Specific Gravity
    Weight of a liquid vs Weight of water
  15. 1st Class lever
    • Fulcrum in the middle
    • Scissors, Pliers
  16. 2nd class lever
    • Fulcrum at one end, load in between
    • Nutrcracker, Wheelbarrow
  17. 3rd class lever
    • Fulcrum at one end, effort in between
    • Tongs, Tweezers
  18. Smaller pulley turns ____ than larger pulley
  19. Pioneer 10
    First US craft to explore outer solar system
  20. Characteristics of warm front
    • Steady, long periods of rain
    • Fog
  21. Atmospheres: Lowest to highest
    • Troposphere
    • Stratosphere
    • Mesosphere
    • Thermosphere/Ionosphere/Aurora
  22. Troposphere
    • 20k feet at poles
    • 60 k feet at equator
  23. Stratoshere
    120k ft (20 miles)
  24. Mesosphere
    300k ft (50 miles)
  25. Boundary between Tropo and Stratosphere
  26. Ozone layer
    Located at higher end of stratosphere
  27. You generally need oxygen if flying above 
    10k ft
  28. Air composition
    • 78% Nitrogen
    • 21% Oxygen
    • 1% Argon
    • Rest is CO2 and other rare gasses
  29. An axe is classified as a 
    Wedge (Inclined Plane)
  30. The farther away the fulcrum is from the resistance arm
    • more force is required to lift the load
    • higher resistance arm will travel
  31. Current is _____ in a series
    • constant
    • Voltage is not.
  32. Voltage is _____ in parallel circuits
    • constant.
    • Current is not
  33. Formula for Voltage
    • V = I * R
    • I: Current
  34. 2 pulley system: movable and fixed pulley
    • Movable pulley will only move half the distance
    • Movable pulley will only spin half as much as fixed pulley
  35. Finding RPM
    Needed contacts per minute / # of rods on wheel
  36. Pendulums
    • Swing weight makes no difference
    • Speed is dependent upon length of string
  37. If you place an object evenly on 2 scales, each scale will
    read half of the total weight.   
  38. 4-stroke engine
    • Intake
    • Compression
    • Combustion
    • Exhaust
  39. Pressure formula
    Force / Area
  40. Momentum Equation
    Force * Distance
  41. Ammeter
    Measures current
  42. Multimeter
    Measures current, volt
  43. Vise M.A.
    (2*pi*length of handle) / pitch of thread
  44. 1 cup = _ oz
  45. A naval detachment has enough rations to feed 16 people
    for 10 days. If 4 more people join the detachment, for how many
    fewer days will the rations last? 
    • 1. Get the number of total rations available: 16 x 10 = 160 rations
    • 2. 4 people + 16 people: 20 people
    • 3. 160 rations divided amongst 20 people: 8 days
    • 4. 8 days is 2 less than 10 days
  46. A field can be plowed by 9 machines in 5 hours. If 3
    machines are broken and cannot be used, how many hours will it take
    to plow the field?
    • 1. 9 machines in 5 hours: 45 machine hours
    • 2. 3 machines broken: 6 working
    • 3. 45/6: 7.5 hours
  47. Lever Rules
    • I. : MA (leverage) increases with length of lever arm, or placement of fulcrum
    • II. Closer fulctrum to load: higher MA
    • III. A lever arm in balance: forcexlength = forcexlength on both sides
  48. Boyle's Law
    • High volume: Low Pressure
    • High Pressure: Low Volume
  49. Charles' Law
    • If gas is at constant pressure,
    • High volume: high temperature
    • Example: Heating gas doubles its temperature and volume
  50. Bernoulli's Principle
    As velocity of a fluid increases, pressure decreases
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