Intro to Justice system #1

  1. What is criminal justice?
    The scientific study of crime and our nation's response to crime via the creation of specific organizations and institutions to combat crime.
  2. What is the criminal justice system?
    • Our nations inter-related institutions, which respond to crime, violence, and disorder
    • -law
    • -law enforcement
    • -courts
    • -correctional agencies
  3. What is the basic nature of human beings?
    • People prefer order over chaos
    • We are born with a drive to survive
    • People are selfish creatures
    • People are hedonistic: attracted to rewards
    • People have a "self" and it influences out behavior
    • 1. spirit
    • 2. soul: psychological & social
    • 3. body
    • People have behavioral free will
    • Behavior is influenced by one's values
  4. What social events led to the emercence of criminal justice as a popular academic discipline?
    • revolutionary war
    • industrial revolution: people moved to cities from rural areas
  5. Carrier's case
    • One interpretation of larceny
    • Truck driver stole part of what he was transporting
  6. Pear's care
    Man hired a horse and sold it at a market
  7. Mala Prohibita
    crimes that may not be necissarily wrong in themselves but are wrong simply because they have been prohibited by statute
  8. Mala in se
    the act is inherently evil or immoral in nature
  9. Grand Larceny vs. Petty Larceny
    dividing point can range between $50 to $2,500, depending where you are
  10. Positive aspects of deviance
    • can warn a group or society that an underlying problem needs attention
    • resources get allocated to address the problem
    • public punishment of deviant can create deterrence
  11. Major sources/typestcategories of law
    • natural/devine: right and wrong according to higher power
    • common law" traditions that guide courts
    • statutory: created by statute/handed down
    • case law: resulting form court interpretation of statutory law
    • administrative: pwers and duties of gov't agencies
    • local ordinances
    • criminal vs. civil
    • substantive vs. procedural: what is illegal vs. rules that must be followed
    • felony vs. misdemeanon: superior court vs. district court
  12. Corpus delecti
    body of crime
  13. actus reus
    guilty act
  14. mens rea
    guilty mind
  15. types of Corpus Delecti
    • Malice: intent to cause harm
    • Negligence: no intent, failed to do something you should have done
    • Strict liability: assumed to know something is illegal
    • Transferred intent: mean to harm person "A" but instead harmed person "B"
    • Vicariour liability: one party is held accountable for another
    • Aider/Abettor: helps someone commit a crime
    • Misprison of Felony: you know someone has committed a crime and don't report it
  16. Court Defense Strategies
    • denial
    • insanity
    • mistaken identity
    • mistake of fact: honest mistake
    • mistake of law: ignorance of law
    • duress
    • consent
    • necessity: protect yourself from harm
    • entrapment
    • framed
    • insufficient evidence
  17. Major Theories of crime causation
    • biological/medical model
    • psuchological/psychoanalytical model
    • social/cultural model
  18. Biological/medical model
    • behavior is influenced by physiology
    • Dr. Lombrozo believed ciminals were influences by physiology
  19. Psychoanalytic/psychologial
    • behavior is influenced by cognative activity
    • Freud: develop mind as we pass through development
  20. Social/Cultural Theories
    behavior is influenced by environment
  21. Social Disorganization Theory
    • highly disorganized communities
    • born into negative social environment
    • altered by environment
  22. Anomie Theory
    • crime is crashed between success orientation and the lack of opportunity for success
    • adapting to anomie: conformity to society, crime, ritualism, rebellion
  23. Differential Association Theory
    • learn crime like anything else
    • wanted to be accepted by friends
  24. Social Bonds
    • people aren't properly bonded to their society
    • attachment, committment, involvement, belief system
  25. Labeling Theory
    • crime might be causes by labeling a person
    • primary act of crime/deviance, labled, expectations change
  26. Conflict theory
    capticalism can cause crime
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Intro to Justice system #1
Intro to Justice system #1